Band 7.5 essay sample. Although called wild animals, many of those species are fragile and in danger of extinction. Cause and effect of animal extinction essay. This makes everyone to be involved in car accidents happen in their countries. More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are on the endangered list. The wild animals are a vital part of natural beauty of this universe. It shows the artistic mind of the creator that how many types of living exist in this world. It is quite imperative that wild animals need to be protected against extinction since they not only add to the natural environment but they are an important part of the ecosystem. But I not able to understand the essay question “Current facing problems desires funding and research. But due to human activities impact on animal extinctions more deeply, for an instance, deforestation in rain forest completed wipe out some of species from earth. As Wilson has pointed out, this is the only human-caused problem that will take literally millions of years to compensate, and then only incompletely. Wild Animals are one of the most important elements in preserving a nation’s natural environment. As a result, animals are becoming more and more downtrodden in society. Body 1 Firstly, change and habitat destruction by human activities is a major cause of animal extinctions. Save teachers time and engage students with a new, simpler interface! Humans still continue to treat animals as if they are poverty. However, if there is justification for the fact that economic activity of people for the most part is vital, then purposeful and wanton killing of animals … Leadership Essay: Characteristics Of A Good Leader, Global Warming Essay: Causes, Effects & Solutions.  19.12.2011 This essay … PROBLEM - SOLUTION ESSAY A problem - solution essay is … If this trend continues, we will lose many species in the near future. Complete the topic within 20 minutes. After all the research that I did this problem can be solved we can find and create ways to stop animal extinction. As if we can own animals and therefore control their lives and what happens to them. One solution to this problem is by setting up protected areas that can be strictly monitored by the local authorities for any human trespassing. It is known fact that extinction of animal not new thing, that had been happing over the millions of time due to various reasons. Premium Structure for Cause and Solution Essays. 3  Pages. 9988008788 This happens because most people drive their car too often even if they don’t have to. There are over 100 essay topics that get repeated in PTE Academic Exam. "Animal Extinction Problem Solution Essay" Essays and Research Papers Animal Extinction Problem Solution Essay. Com free shipping on the true impacts of a fantasy. Conservation efforts should be connected to all mankind in order to conserve endangered animals activities. 40 minutes, 250 words at least. Lastly, there are many steps we can undertake as an individual. Species extinction can cause an increase in the population of prey, which means in an ecosystem, the number of animals that were prey to another species increases drastically causing an imbalance in the ecosystem and vice versa. There are many efforts had been done in order to preserve endangered species but the numbers of endangered species are still increase rapidly. PROBLEM-SOLUTION ESSAY Due to the steadily growing population, … But i am sure that it was exactly the same essay topic which i have to answer. The increase in urbanization and industrialization has consequently increased the demands of the population. The population of world increasing very rapidly and people use wood to build their houses. The animal species needs to obtain legal protection to make sure the rate of animal extinction decelerate. Poachers also kill endangered animals or sell them to people who have money and are willing to spend it on a rare or endangered animal. In this sense, extinction of animals takes place through natural selection. A problem-solution essay is an essay in which you analyze a problem and propose a method for solving it. The feathers of the Carolina parakeet are good materials for hat making. Solve this problem, upmost solution is educate people who are closely live in places where animal reaching Extinction or risk of being ad to Redbook. What are the reasons for this? Thirdly, A lot of such unique animals are on danger list and so many already vanished from this earth. Animal Extinction Essay . In the end, it is up to the humans whether to co-habit the environment with other wild animals or face a bleak future of restricted species of the animal kingdom. In bucked the trend towards modernization and progress, we increasingly forget that not only human beings that inhabit this universe. Stress is a feeling that everything seems to have become too much overloading and when under the stress it is wondered whether the pressure placed upon him or her could be coped with. "】 【Add a central topic sentence, such as "The danger of extinction is the result of several important factors. Any natural habitat that is tampered with or used by man for his own … While the neighborhood that I live in is fine by my standards, there are a few problems that if they were solved, would make the neighborhood a better place. The reasons that led to this dramatic situation are innumerous, such as poaching, shrinking of forests and wild areas and lack of government interests. It is natural for animals to compete for resources which are scarce. To summarize, I believe that it is possible to revert the situation; however, there will be work for everyone in the society and it has to be started on the conscious of those who act against the nature and the laws. Since many cases of extinction of the animals occurred in the past, therefore, we as human should learn from the past and work hand in hand to avoid extinction of the animals. Assigning essays on various endangered species helps students realize the gravity of the problem and its urgency. Answer: It is true that modern human activities have largely endangered the diversity and existence of animals on earth. What are the reasons for this? Premium Humans to this day find themselves dominant over animals. Despite the setbacks, there are several steps that can be taken both at a governmental and societal level to establish a safe habitat and prevent animal endangerment. html). What if there was a farmer with 4,000 cows he sells them to the stores, and we buy them and if there are no cows the stores wouldn’t have as much money. However, there were still numbers of selfish people that did not even concern about the animal species that disappeared. Human, Animal Liberation Front, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 884  Words | Government should ban the products made from animal skin and should not coax manufacturers to manufacture such products. Other major reasons include deforestation, pollution, excessive hunting and fishing. In addition to this, hunting and poaching is also one of the causes that induce animals extinction. In a nutshell, extinction of animals is caused by the habitat destruction, illegal hunting and introduce of exotic species. Secondly, implementation of strict laws by government for hunting animals can be one of the solutions to save their life. Animal extinction Sample Answer: High Band score. But some people says that funding can solve those problems while other says that research is also that much important as funding. In this animal extinction essay I will describe the problem of extinction of flora, which occurs under the influence of human activity. In countries where there is a well planned urban growth those places are monitored and separated from each other. Dear Author, please review and comment on the below essay. You are an unnatural history on the type of environmental forces habitat animal suffering. In Africa, killing animals for tusks and various body parts another reason excitation of some animals, especially North African white rhinos. causes and effects on human So, i tried to search this topic through many resources but i didn’t get any satisfactory answer. Premium However, human greed and interference through poaching have caused a worldwide risk in the existence of wild animals. Do you know some animals are disappearing year by year. In my opinion, to save such unique species it is essential to established international rules that must apply in every part of the world. Premium These are some of long term solutions. In centuries ago, there were various types of animal species that lived in this world but these species cannot be found for the meantime and forever. Write a 200-300 word essay. A problem-solution essay should have the following characteristics: Ever forget the existence of human animals and the environment so that most of us have succumbed to the demands of modernization and progress. PROBLEM SOLUTION ESSAY. One of the most common types of it is school stress. 1)More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are on the endangered list. However, there were still numbers of selfish people that did not even concern about the, the planet. In conclusion, people should always remember that man is a part of nature, not its master. Animals constitute an important part of our ecosystem. • a problem that needs to be solved These factors are teacher or friend-based ones, grade-based ones, over-scheduling and lack of self-confidence. 4  Pages. One of the most common types of it is school stress. Individuals should considerate animals as equal to human beings and should understand the importance of their life. Mankind have to be aware and take care of these problems besides stop doing illegal and irresponsible activities. Just like humans, they have their own lives, in... Free Wild animals like tigers and elephants, generally known for their toughness, have evolved with features like thick fur, strong teeth, and bones for their survival. The verge of extinction making every efforts fruitless. The forest are the main living source of wild animals and day by day the number of forest decreased sharply due to cut down of trees for human use. Pearson English Test 6 – Listening (Summarize... PTE Academic Practice Test Free – Writing (Summarize... PTE Practice Test 4 – Speaking (Retell Lecture)... PTE Real Exam – Summarize Written Text 51. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Premium Prison Overpopulation remains to be an unresolved problem that the Philippines is facing and which has been facing since 2000. I’ll be waiting for your answer. Animals are here for themselves. The international society start taking steps and they introduced the synthetic wood to handle this problem. It can be experienced at any grade and may result from innumerable factors. Now-a-day, human kind has been confronted to the most vicious menace of endangerment of animal life. It can be experienced at any grade and may result from innumerable factors. … Firstly, actions to ban poachers from the wild regions where those species live in should be taken as well as punishment for those who break the law should be applied severely. Agree Or Disagree? Students... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. The most common cause of biotic extinction seems to be habitat alter­ation. There are several reasons of extinction of animals, the foremost one is urbanization and industrialization. have become too much overloading and when under the stress it is wondered whether the pressure placed upon him or her could be coped with. Introduction Also, We need to develop international hunting rules to deal with this problem. Global warming, Pollution, Animal 1323  Words | Prison Colonies as Solution for Prison Overpopulation This has had devastating repercussions on the environment and lead to either extinction or endangerment of many wild animals. Firstly, the government of a state should keep a strict watch over-hunting and poaching activities. However, it is quite surprising that people are taking advantage of these features by killing them and selling their body parts in the market to earn money. To prevent this, governments and other institutions all over the world try to save the endangered species by measures … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Do we just need to try to help save animals threatened with extinction without knowing what causes that led to the extinct. Actually author, even i exactly don’t understand the meaning of this essay. 3  Pages. Model Answer [Submitted by Nirav] It is ironic that even though wild animals are way stronger than humans, they are facing a dark void of extinction due to human activities. Get information, mainly due to that calls for the science and endangered species. "Animal Extinction Problem Solution Essay" Essays and Research Papers . Yet we have never heard about it being solved. A few centuries ago, the fauna of Europe was richer and diverse. Human beings alone are placing enough strain on animals to leave lasting and harmful effects for years to come. Prison, Australia, Penal colony 981  Words | The rate of extinction of animals and birds will increase, according to ecologists. They should discourage people from buying products made of animal skin or fur. This animal combined a wolfish head with a tiger’s stripes, a snake’s gape, a kangaroo’s tail, plus a unique rear-opening pouch. Species are arranged problem solution essay animal extinction on a scale the lowest level of concern; to vulnerable, to endangered; extinct in the wild; to totally extinct. Deforestation and water pollution are the primary causes of the loss of biodiversity worldwide, and the most viable solutions to tackle this problem are to create protected areas on land and introduce strict regulations against water pollution. Premium We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. As a result, illegal hunting will cause animal extinction. African American, Race, Human skin color 822  Words | Essay On Animal Extinction 1648 Words | 7 Pages. Citizens of every nation and the government representing them should come together and take steps in reducing these killings by creating a safe atmosphere for the wild animals where they can strive and reproduce. Also, development should be made in balance with nature. In my opinion, problems such as global warming and pollution, to find more efficient measures more research is required. Nowadays , animal extinction is a broad issue, one that involves the habitats and environments where other species live and interact with one another . As you can see, preserving car accidents not only saves the lives of the people, but also saves the money for their countries. However, human greed and interference through poaching have caused a worldwide risk in the existence of wild animals. 4  Pages. However, there is an ongoing problem with education that exists all over America, generally, amongst minorities in poverty ridden regions. Student, Teacher, Education 906  Words | Keeping Awake If proper steps are not taken to preserve the wild animals, very soon they will face the risk of extinction. According to an Internet article, 19817 animals are designated as an endangered species. Animal Extinction Essay – Animals Are On The... PTE Academic Writing Sample Essay – Rise Of... PTE Academic Exam - Most Reliable PTE Resource. Thankyou. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, while in 1998, 1102 animals and 1197 plants have been categorized as endangered, these numbers increased to 3079 animals and 2655 plants until 2012. Complete the topic within 20 minutes. Hence, to satisfy these demands, hunting animals is common in the wildlife area. The cause of its extinction was the merciless hunting by sheep farmers in Tasmania who were infuriated by the animals hunting their sheep. It is important remember to take care of the animals we have today, and their environment. [email protected]. Jose Antonio Hilado Problem-Solution Essay The first problem that I would like to deal with is global warming. So to what extent do you agree with this statement? Standing Up For Education One of these problems is coyotes. Destruction of Habitats: Endangered animals affect the ecosystem in many harmful ways and so does the species extinction. June 22, 2019 April 25, 2020 admin Ecosystem. Some of examples are environmental problems, change genetics over the course of time, increase of predators can be given. Wild Animals are one of the most important elements in preserving a nation’s natural environment. Pleading Guilty to Animal Extinction Animal extinction rates have skyrocketed within recent years due to the numerous detrimental human and environmental activities that currently wreak havoc on our planet. So, author according to you, whatever you understand about this essay please provide me the answer to this question. My problem is that animals are becoming extinct this means that we would run out of food and oxygen. Waiting for your reply. Animal Extinction Essay. Thanks for sharing. 4  Pages. The model answer for Animal Extinction Essay. Hunting and poaching are also one of the main causes behind the endangerment of animals. This is the main reason of reduction of forest and a great danger for wild life. When forests are cleared off, animals lose their habitat which in turn threatens their survival. World population, Animal, Agriculture 887  Words | Lastly, a balanced focus on nature and fulfilling needs aroused from urbanization, will prevent the excessive use of lands. Only a minority of people are concerned with extinction in today痴 society, while others might argue that it is a small problem because we are beyond the point of evolution and thus don't really need to rely on other animals at all. One major problem is that there is no equality when distributing... Free Predation, completion and diseases can also cause extinction in animals. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 3  Pages, "Animal Extinction Problem Solution Essay", forever. Liked our essay? 4  Pages. KILL, Police, Recycling 756  Words | We find that in the process of evolution, many animals … I have compiled the list of most latest and repeated essays. Animal extinction is a relatively new problem as until yet recently people were killing as many animals as they needed for food or skins. As terrible as wars, injustice, and poverty are, no form of human violence and indiscretion will have such long-lasting and irreversible consequences as the extinction of species from our planet. According to this article from a Norwegian online newspaper, the polar bears are forced to swim much longer distances than before, because of the melting of the Arctic ice. Problem Solution Essay Animal Extinction Thesis Of Essay. Optimism, Education, Anxiety 724  Words | In modern life, this has become a hobby of people to kill animals for their pleasure and to meet their hunger. On the other hand, in case of funding, problems like poverty and illiteracy grants by government, scholarships by schools for students who excel in their studies but belong to poor families can help them in their long-term education. In conclusion, safe guard life’s of endanger and near extinction animal are responsibility of every human and it must apply collective efforts to find long lasting solution as if balance of nature fail it will more worst impact on human life. This has unknowingly led to a decrease in their reproduction and hence put them on the endangered list. To conclude, human activities such as deforestation and mindless hunting are the major reasons for the extinction of wildlife. Put a Halt on Animal Testing This essay will examine the causes of the problems and suggest several solutions to save these endangered animals and plants. (Problem Solution Essay 2nd Draft) Besides that 63837 species of animal are also registered on Red Book. Thankfully, it is very easy to structure a cause and solution essay for IELTS. Let’s say if due to the extinction … Use biological technologies to increase reproduction of endanger animals and Verge of Extinction animals. The world is becoming less aware of the pain and suffering being afflicted on animals. W e humans are the main cause of extinction. Another solution is running awareness programs by the government and … The extinction of so many rare animals like ostrich is one of major example in this concern. To eradicate this vicious problem, I would like to put emphasis on some suggestions. Share the animal extinction essay on social media. What are the reasons and solutions? So what causes the problem? Thankyou author. In recent times, mankind has been confronted with one of the most serious issues of our modern life – endangerment of animals. A few times when I went outside, I would see the garbage rifled through. Car Accidents – Problem and Solution Essay. Various measures like building sanctuaries, strict action against poaching and wildlife activism have already been taken up which has resulted in an increase in the population of wild animals. “Education should have no colors or boundaries. Excessive hunting activates in Arctic Ocean led to record polar bears as endanger animal in red book. The human being love to eat meat because it is their nature and to fulfill this desire they start hunting from their early stone age which are still a very lovable hobby. The governments and scientists try to figure out the better ways to prevent and preserve the disappearance of, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. problem solution essay animal extinction problem solution essay animal extinction >>>CLICK HERE<<< English Essays source for best english essay online an essay that allow and many English any discipline are guaranteed. Without them, the cycle would disrupt and could result in life-threatening situations for all. The paper will provide arguments in favor and against animal protection in an attempt to explain the necessity to protect endangered species and make it clear that animal extinction is not beneficial for both the environment and the humanity. If you are looking for a resource that can provide a wide range of due diligence questions, then we highly recommend the website of the same name: Due Diligence Questions. So, if you can help to provide the answer for such kind of essay, it will be great help for me author. Browse the essay samples below for inspiring topics but also for examples of well-structure papers with a … Problem solution essay animal extinction List of Argumentative Essay Topics About Animals. This results in loosing habitats of animals and causing their life in danger. Muhamad Naem Bin Yusof Write a 200-300 word essay. 3  Pages. ”, Instead of re phrasing the question, can you tell me in simple words what they aksed in question, Dear can u provide me your hand wriitin eassy as i m going to appear in next mnth…. One night, I was coming home from my friend's house and I had to put something from my car into the garbage. Also, another set of animals firstly reaching Red book, in other words endanger list. Moreover, animal’s skin is used for commercial purpose by killing them. To what extent do agree and disagree? Extinction as a Social Problem. Many animals like the polar bear lose their habitat because the polar caps melt. And last but not least, the governments should be more responsible about the nature in their country not only updating their laws and preserved areas, but also monitoring and investing money in research organizations that look for solutions to avoid the extinction of species. Climate changes are another reason for animal extinction, and the main reason for the growing concern of the polar bears existence. This assay is really awesome and well written even in simple words and easily understood…. 19’48” – 218 words Animals and Plants Extinctions Actually, the major part of a problem-solution essay is explaining what the solution to the problem is and arguing that this solution will be effective, easy to impliment, better than other solutions and cost-effective. Here is the link – PTE Essay. Due to increase in population, there has been increase in need of housing and other facilities and to fulfill these demands, people are tending to build buildings and factories on the forest lands destroying forests. I think preventing animal extinction is one of the most important and serious problems in the world today. They asked about that there are lot of problems that requires funding as well as research. Extinction has many different causes for example global warming, which is caused by too many CO^2 emission, and deforestation. It means the ecological food chain is breaking, so we have to think about how to prevent animal extinction. It is ironic that even though wild animals are way stronger than humans, they are facing a dark void of extinction due to human activities. Most of the products are made from their skin and used for the luxury purpose. As well factories have a high … The fact of the matter is that there are several things that make this difficult. I’ll wait for your answer. SubTopic : Why the animal under verge of extinction Climate Change Essay – Role Of Government To Combat Climate Change. com BUY book notes for dissertation single 3. The governments and scientists try to figure out the better ways to prevent and preserve the disappearance of animals. Coupled with a massive population boom, it is becoming necessary to clear off new lands to build housing projects, metros, shopping complexes, schools, and hospitals. I think that if these causes are still occurring without protection and preservation, the environment will become in less healthy state by 2050. I answered in exam in this way, but i’m not sure that i was on right track or not. Firstly, individuals and government should be amenable to solve this deadlock jointly. Animals, for example, are usually stolen from their natural habitat and sold in the black markets for large sums of money. Education is one of the key ingredients to success. This essay will look into some reasons and put forward suggested solutions for these problems. This part to discover solutions to our current track. A lot of animals have been vanquished from the Mother Nature due to some natural reasons or human’s insatiable hunger for money, particularly the endangered species of animals that require more attention to prevent them from being extinct in the near future.

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