Scientists use animals to test a theory and then alter their theories based upon the valuable information gathered from each experiment. Scientists use animals to test a theory and then alter their theories based upon the valuable information gathered from each experiment. It stated,... ...10/26/2013 If animal testing wasn’t allowed, then in order to prove the efficiency of drugs and medicines human testing would have to take place. Arguing that scientists prefer animals more in doing tests and that humans have complete authority over animals. 61% of experiments fall into the category of severe suffering. Today animals are used as a way to test new and, should stop animal testing. You can tell your family or friend who has suffered from and received treatment for cancer, strokes, heart disease,... ...audience that animal testing should be abandoned. Animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs. This essay will explain the advantages and explanations of animal testing. This type of testing is driven to test chemicals, drugs, foods, etc. This type of testing is driven to test chemicals, drugs, foods, etc. Back in these days a researcher would cut open an awake animal before a crowd. I am here to convince all of you to oppose, stop and disengage … Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing. The military uses animals to mimic fight wounds and gage responses of operators utilized within a war. Animal testing has cured and found new treatments to cure diseases such as tuberculosis, meningitis, diphtheria, ect. So why would such a highly debatable topic arise from such great accomplishments? In 1885, after much heart searching, he tried out his rabies vaccine on a nine-year old boy, Joseph Meister, who had been bitten 14 times by a rabid dog. Annotated Bibliography: Animal Testing Animal testing is one of the most frowned upon scientific experiments around, but the whole world needs this testing to save the human race. As a consequence of the polio vaccine, tested on animals, it reduced the global occurrence of the disease from 350,000 cases in 1988 to 223 cases in 2012. Medical experts argue that animals are not intentionally harmed; they are well taken care of and treated well. When scientists engage in animal research, "they violate the rights of an animal to be free from unnatural diseases, injuries, or mental and behavior problems," says (John McArdle). Animal testing prevents dangerous and … Assignment ... The definition of animal testing is any sort of experimentation done on Animals. Nowadays, it is a well-known fact that many companies test their products like cosmetics and medicines with animals before production to check their products ’safety and quality. “Animal experimentation are widely used to develop new medicines and to test, cabinet has been tested on an animal at one point or another. IV. For a result, of scientific research into the effects of drugs, cosmetics, food additives, and other chemical products. In Animal Testing: Lifesaving Research VS. And now today animals are being used to produce a variety of products varying from medicine, cosmetics, and even military weapons through animal testing. There … From there on the tests were then given to humans, and as a result, millions of diabetics, and cancer sufferers are alive and living healthy lives. Modern medicines and innovations are constantly being created and updated, creating an ongoing need for ways to test them. Animal Testing Essay. Also, humans use animals for clothes too. Animal Welfare the author stated that, “What watkins did not know was that the chemical he used to dissolve the sulfinamide, diethylene glycol, was poisonous. People say that animal testing is good for people because this is a chance to save more lives in the U.S.; then another part say that animal testing is bad because some of the tests that they do on them is not always effecting humans in the same way. Reference this Share this: Facebook. Animal experimentation has been a controversial issue for quite some time, but has yet to be put to an end. There are many alternatives to animal testing and if people took time to use those alternatives, millions of animal's lives would be saved. Vivisection should be prohibited and there are, in fact, more reliable alternatives to these inhumane experimentations. Animal Testing Animal testing is known as animal experiments. Essay Sample: Animals such as dogs, cats, guinea pigs, mice, even pregnant animals are all locked in cages being tortured for their whole life. After reading this essay… Free essays. Experimentation on animals goes way back since the beginning of time. Also the conditions of the animals are humane and commonly miss-represented. Almost every breakthrough we have had has some part of animal testing. You want to cry and punch people, but you need to stay cool and academic … The testing of animals helps the human race better understand the way animals react to the […] As humans in past were saved spiritually by offering animals, it is reasonable to conclude that animal testing is a kind of sacrifice that humans must do to save lives physically and emotionally. Yet most the adults who say they are against animal testing take medicine and use products that all have been tested on animals. which shapes have attempted to defend the rights of animals seems as a challenging task, since the custom of animal testing has been used in past decades without doubt it. People around the world share their views and opinions about whether it's really necessary, and some even question if the process is even ethical. Animal testing has a long history during which it helped to make important discoveries in the field of medicine and pharmacology, prevent people from harm or even death from ineffective or inappropriate products. So, using animals is really useless because just because a drug is safe for an animal does not mean it will necessarily be accurate and safe for humans. Introduction Should researchers experiment on an animal to save human lives? However, animal testing is commonly considered that the safety of people outweighs the safety of animals, thus animal testing for safety is common. “Humans and animals would still be dying from rabies if Pasteur hadn’t experimented with dogs” (Franco). A lot of medical experts would argue that animal testing is justifiable in order to save the lives of many people longer down the line through the development of medicines and lifesaving drugs. To tell the truth, animal testing is good if wanting to save the population that we live in. In vivo testing which is Latin for within life is another term for animal testing since people are experimenting on living things. Animal rights activists believe that animals are used for pointless tests and suffer tremendously. Animal testing contributes to inventions of new drugs which treat different types of diseases and illnesses, which save countless human lives However, with moral reasons, animal research is labeled as inhumane and heartless by animal rights activists. Both of the actions don’t achieve the results that are intended, they both claim that they help save the lives of the innocent, and they are both hypocritical. “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. Proving that testing products that are new to humans are more dangerous than when using animals. Unable to see the organism that causes rabies with the microscopes available, he convinced a skeptical medical community of the microorganism’s existence and also the possibility of vaccinating against it. 629 words 3 page(s) Introduction: Animal testing is one of the most important and hotly debated themes related to both medicine and ethics. Apart from humans, animal testing is not just used to benefit people, but animals themselves benefit from the research that is gathered. Why animal testing is bad essay. In fact, many scientists believe it should be done before human testing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Animal Testing That being said, animal testing is a cruel practice and should be banned, thus resulting in the saving of lives of millions of innocent animals across the globe. Animal testing argumentative essay In killing an animal, one defend one wrong with another, in violation of all the animal rights. PISC scientist Gilly Stoddard says “it is unconscionable that animals are dying as a result of the … Regardless, animal testing is key in life saving treatments where, “Animal studies allow us to test potential treatments without confounding factors, such as prior drug use and other experiences that complicate human studies” (Proquest Staff). New and Safe Treatments for Humanity. The research that has been gathered from animals has surpassed anything scientists could hope for. The fact is that nearly ninety percent of veterinary medicines in use today are either similar or very similar to those developed to treat humans. Therefore, animal testing allows the evaluation of the danger of drugs before being used upon humans which will greatly reduce the risk before any human based trials are carried out (About Animal Testing, n.d.). Companies especially those in the makeup industry, have gained popularity and admiration for wiping out animals testing for their products even though the products have actually been tested before put out on the market. To tell the truth, animal testing is good if wanting to save …  Animal Testing Every year, over 100 million animals are painfully put to death because of animal testing. Note in “animal testing saves lives” essay that the creation of new antibiotics requires their application to living things. Reddit. The practice of experimenting on animals has always been controversial. Relating to the Audience: Modern times many family consider a dog or a cat a member of their family and i believe many of your family have dogs and many products you used are involved animal testing. Please join StudyMode to read the full document. An animal liberator bombing a meat processing plant is like the pro-life activist killing the doctor who performs abortions. Introduction II. To start with, cosmetic and drug companies should stop animal testing their products, Animals to the Rescue Numerous people believe that animal testing is un-necessary. He hadn 't tes ted it on animals before selling it. Source C (Murray) (Hampson 1) The life of Joseph Meister and many others like him have been saved by animal experimentation. Animal rights activists believe that animals … Animal being tortured, is not in light with their rights as animals. Animal testing is a highly controversial topic that evokes a lot of feelings in people who write or talk about it, and that’s why it comprises a good topic of an argumentative essay. As it is closely connected with two independent spheres of human life, there exist plenty of opinions either supporting or opposing animal testing. I. Webster's Dictionary defines vivisection as the action of cutting into or dissecting a living body, and the practice of subjecting living animals to cutting operations, especially in order to advance physiological and pathological knowledge (878). The advances made from animal testing have increased our biomedical technology significantly. Testing drugs on animals has prevented people from harmful drugs and increased the number of people saved – not by avoiding the dangers of drugs but due to the drugs themselves saving and improving human life (Murnaghan “Using”).Pharmacologists and scientists are not the only ones who use animals for testing. The first cases of animal testing happened in the ancient times to satisfy a curiosity for anatomy and to obtain knowledge. By animal testing, the companies not only violate the animals' rights (which is breaking the law), but their testing methods are hazardous which endanger the animal's life. Also, many believe that humans have been using animals to satisfy their needs like eating meat or using the animals for various other necessary purposes than why not animal testing? Attention Getter: 115 million animals are used in laboratory experiments around the world each year,19.5 million of them are killed and 68 percent of them are dogs are cats, that means 13.4 million of dogs and cats put to death each year! Synthesize at least three of the sources for support. Animal testing on mice have helped find a cure for polio which was a deadly disease. An animal testing argumentative essay always mentions the benefit of reducing the number of errors and fatal mistakes owing to a round of tests on animals. In 1990 the British association for the advancement of science created a declaration in support of animal experiments. Typically it is conducted for advancement in scientific research, to test products and food before going out into the market, to find treatments or test medical drugs, and to protect … For the safety of not taking people's lives. They claim that there are currently no other effective methods to determine how some chemicals or procedures would affect the human body. The FDA will not allow any drug to be released or sold to the human population if it has not first been tested on animals. III. It also mentions that the number of saved people’s lives is enormous owing to the sacrificed lives of animals. So results from animal experiments can't be applied accurately to humans. Amanda Martinez The future of medical science still relies on animal testing, and this clearly … If animal experiments were to be eradicated, how many of our friends and family members will die of a disease that could have been cured if only animal experimentation were legal. The reality is that despite some scientists not being in favour of animal testing, they have to use due to the lack of alternatives available to them. People say that animal testing is good for people because this is a chance to save more lives in the U.S.; then another part say that animal testing is bad because some of the tests that they do on them is not always effecting humans in the same way. Yet many opponents passionately argue that animal testing is wrong, unnecessary, and cruel. There are no adequate alternative methods for researching complex living organisms like humans and animals. Furthermore, it is subject to following strict … In order to save people’s lives animal testing is necessary. The use of animal for research is an old concept that continued to be debated. Animals Testing Essay - Model Answer. There are causes and effects just like any other scientific experiments. You may refer to the sources by their titles (Source A, Source B, etc.) It is often said that animals should not be used in testing because it is cruel and unnecessary. V. Main point preview: Today, i will discuss the cruel history of animal testing, then i ll tell you why animal testing is useless and the solution of testing products without animal experimentation. Arguments of animal advocates Many of these severe tests predict from the start that an animal will die. Source D (Botting) This allows scientists to test the effects of certain drugs. Animal testing should remain legal for medical research. Animal testing sometime is not reliable and is extremely expensive.... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. Animal testing is just killing animals for no reason because there will always be the first human to test a new drug or cosmetic. There are many forms of... ... Even diagnostic techniques such as scanners and surgery practices that are used to remove tumors and, The Lack of Independence in Today's Youth. However, the three goals guiding the creation of regulatory structures for animal testing – assuring a high-quality science environment, assuring the maximization of animal welfare, and … If scientists abandon such tests and thereby stop the creation of fundamentally new ways of fighting pathogenic microorganisms, then most people can become victims of epidemics. It started because British wanted to make a chemical drugs and it needed to be tested on animals. Organizational Pattern: problem solution Twitter. pg. "Illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, asthma and malaria are suffered by many species and can be treated in much the same way" ( 1). Source E (Cons Against) Without animal research there will probably not be any cures for disease. Under the skin animals are very similar to humans, so animals too suffer from many of the same diseases. Info: 1240 words (5 pages) Essay Published: 1st Jan 2015 in Philosophy. We have no right to force these cruel practices and experiments on innocent animals, that we would never think to try on humans. They tend to look aside from the facts that animals have given millions around the world a new outlook on life, and would rather see only the negative side effects of animal testing which far outweighs the positive things animal testing, Scientists injected extracted pancreatic cells, which contained the hormone insulin into a dog suffering from diabetes and found it to be highly effective. Animal Testing Saves Lives Animals have been used for testing by scientists for many decades. Animals benefit much from treatments and medicines that had been initially developed for humans, such examples are antibiotics, anesthetics, antiparasitics, and insulin for diabetes. Categories: Animal Testing … As one progress of philosophy, Mr. Tom Regan claims, all animal have a fundamental right of respectful treatment. Source F (Bantwal) Source B (Cartoon) Source C Why Animal Testing Can Save Our Lives … Animals can receive something as little as an injection, or something as extreme as an organ transplant. While most people think animal testing is necessary and required, but others were upset by what they see as needless suffering. As animal testing becomes a popular conversation argument, the main altercation is how unjust and crooked it is. Credibility Statement: I'm against animal testing since I know it, I've participate in many anti animal testing activities, I've read biologists' articles and news about it and I would like to share the information with you. The results that are wanted can not be achieved through causing pain and suffering to the … Essay topics and ideas; Tools. It is better to test on animals than it is to test on humans because animals live a shorter life than humans do. Although animal experimentation saves lives, those against it arguethat its results are inaccurate and testing should be stopped. Plagiarism checker; Thesis statement generator; About us; Hire Writer. Without a doubt, the procedure did a lot of good for the humanity in terms of protecting and improving health of people. Like the many other treatments and medicines that have contributed to improved human... ...Animal Testing: a Vital Necessity Stop the animal testing, and save a life. While it is sad that animals have to come to terrible fates,the process of animal testing is absolutely essential to test the safety of products, Animal experimentation is essential to form new medicines and advance in scientific knowledge. Scientist argues that animal testing has saved many lives and other alternatives might not produce accurate results like animal tests. Animal Testing and Medicine. There have been many different methods of testing throughout history. Source A (PETA) Animal testing has long been a means to discover new and safe treatments for humanity. Animal testing is now grasped as an abhorrent business, but what others do not realize is that without animal testing, the medical, Testing on animals has been a thing for so many years now. Typically it is conducted for advancement in scientific research, to test products and food before going out into the market, to find treatments or test medical drugs, and to protect people and the environment. With all these benefits, I think it is very clear we need animal testing. Issues related to animal experimentation are frequently discussed these days, particularly in the media. In pursuit of scientific knowledge, animal testing is essential, but as the word testing implies, such experiments are often harmful or ineffective. Actually, there is hardly any effective alternative to animal testing. Then, write an essay in which you formulate a position on the issue of animal experimentation. “Animal Experimentation Benefits AIDS Research” Some animals are similar to the human organism. The Speech On Animal Testing Philosophy Essay. Transition:Now you know the topic of my speech, I'll first talk about the cruel history of... ...Is Animal Testing a Necessity? If a drug produces unfortunate effects in animals, it is more than likely unsuitable for use. The acts of animal testing are extremely cruel and unethical and no living creature should have to endure the variety of pain that test subjects go through without their own consent. WhatsApp Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, it is great to be here with you all on this marvellous morning. Read the following sources (including the introduction) carefully. In fact, when a drug is first created it is tested on animals before humans are even allowed, believe animal testing is dreadfully wrong. Belgian Andreas Vesalius and his students in Padua, Italy demonstrated public lectures on anatomy. 43% of adults in the United States say they are against animal testing (Alas). ...Animal Testing…Right or Wrong? Thesis Statement: Animal testing is not only morally unacceptably but also useless, it has to be stoped and new testing methods should be utilized. Drugs that are tested safe can then be used to save millions of valuable human lives. Experiments classify the pain as being mild, moderate, severe, or unclassified. “Animal testing or animal experimentation is the process of using non-humans for the purpose of experimentation” (Phil). “An animal, usually a dog, would be cut open while still alive and the function of each organ would be speculated upon as it was located” (Monamy 9). Proponents of animal testing claim that it can help save people’s lives because scientists use animals to develop effective medications and treatment methods (Hajar, 2011). The British government has much more stringent rules about animal testing. Animal testing is essential, of medical fields brings a variety of treatments and cures. So why would such a highly debatable topic arise from such great accomplishments? Argumentative Essay But with it being around for so long, it has become a subject of controversy. Improvements in human … Animal Testing and Experimentation. Animal testing has contributed to many life-saving cures and treatments. Source A All drugs are regulated by the FDA, Animal Testing Saves Lives Animals have been used for testing by scientists for many decades. Every year, millions of animals undergo painful torture, suffering, or death. Opponents of animal testing disagree and … Experimentation on animals goes way back since the beginning of time. Argumentative essay: Save animals. A government funded corporation called the Food and Drug Administration, abbreviated as the FDA, is in charge of making sure that all drugs, cosmetics, biological products, and more are efficient, secure, and safe for human usage. Now days animals are used to understand basic human biology, so called “models” for studying human biology and disease. Animal testing first starred in the 19th century and has been going on ever since. Animal testing … Animal testing helped in the development of loads of life-saving drugs for many diseases, for example, diabetes, childhood leukaemia, brain injury, breast cancer, tuberculosis, malaria, and more. 1 Animal Testing Throughout history, animals have been considered one of the primary sources in human lives. No matter how awful the idea of animal testing may seem, the bottom line is that it has saved millions of lives. It is very difficult to see how we could have such medical advances without animal research" ( 1). I’m not disputing that one animals life is more valuable than a human, but how about ten animals, 100 animals, 1,000 animals, how about 19.5 million animals because that is the amount of animals killed per year in the U.S. according to the Animal Welfare Act. Arguing that successful animal testing has saved a lot of people by providing the needed treatment. Despite these benefits, some people are against animals being used to test medical techniques and drugs. In December 1995, AIDS patient Jeff Getty underwent an experimental treatment that involved injecting bone marrow cells from a baboon into his body to bolster his immune system (baboons are immune to the AIDS virus). Animal testing is known as animal experiments. Over the decades scientists have had to choose whether to put morals over advancements, ultimately determining the fate of countless animals. Millions of animals suffer from experimentation each year, but that number is not even precise since there are several countries that do not publish their data. … One might think that we should find another way to replace animal testing as it is harming animals every day, but the harsh reality is that they are a necessary part of ensuring the health and safety of all organisms in the long run. Animals have been used from the beginning of time the ancient civilisations used animal testing to find answers to the unknown for example why do animals exist romans & greeks simply dissected animals to have knowledge. Animal Testing There are a lot of campaigns that against animal testing, and experts in the medical field are threatened because of using animal to do research. Without animal testing the alternate measures that would have to be taken would be unimaginable. Yet he is lord of all the animals.” George Orwell. Humane alternatives too much of animal research, such as tissue samples and computer models, already exist, animals have rights.” (John McArdle). Boots, coats, wool sweaters are all made from animal skin and fur, so why is... ...citations. Source G (The Daily Telegraph) The loss of the donor baboon was tolerable because scientists and doctors should use all methods at hand when combating deadly human diseases.

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