"'The judge said to him, 'Well, if this indeed is true, I want you to prove it.' [28], The victories of Claudius over the Goths would not only make him a hero in Latin tradition, but an admirable choice as an ancestor for Constantine I, who was born at Naissus, the site of Claudius' victory in 269. During the reign of Decius (249–251), he served as a military tribune. [14] However, he soon proved to be less than bloodthirsty, as he asked the Roman Senate to spare the lives of Gallienus' family and supporters. As the Scythians starved in the mountains or surrendered, the legions pursuing them began to see an epidemic spreading throughout the men. "For Christians, marriage is a holy parable of the love of Christ towards his church. He was martyred at around the 270 CE by emperor Claudius II Gothicus. Contemporary records of his deeds were most probably destroyed during the Diocletianic Persecution in early 4th century[35] and a tale of martyrdom was recorded in Passio Marii et Marthae, a work published in the 5th or 6th century. Most likely the message of the "History of the Augustus" is an anachronism, since it is known that the garrison at Thermopylae appeared in 254. [36] Since then, February 14 marks Valentine's Day, a day set aside by the Christian church in memory of the Roman priest and physician.[37]. Help us continue to be a voice for truth in the media by supporting CBN News for as little as $1. [34] Some historians suspect this account to be a genealogical fabrication, however, intended to link the family of Constantine I to that of a well-respected emperor. The traitor Aureolus was not treated with the same reverence, as he was killed by his besiegers after a failed attempt to surrender. From then on, tension between the two empires would only get worse. Accounts tell of people hearing the news of the new emperor, and reacting by murdering Gallienus' family members until Claudius declared he would respect the memory of his predecessor. Rebranded as St. Valentine’s Day, the name is said to have originated from one of two people put to death by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Claudius Gothicus circa 270 CE. Claudius liked Valentinus, until he felt pressured to convert. [2], The future emperor Marcus Aurelius Claudius was born on May 10, 213 or 214. [2] Together with his cavalry commander, the future Emperor Aurelian, the Romans took thousands of prisoners, destroyed the Gothic cavalry as a force, and stormed their laager (a circular alignment of wagons long favored by the Goths). In this version of Valentine’s saintly past, Valentine heroically resisted the emperor and married Christian couples. Ancient sources reveal that there were several St. Valentines who died on Feb. 14. To comprehend the structure of government during the reign of Claudius, we must look at four inscriptions that deepen our understanding of a new, truncated empire. Claudius Gothicus or Claudius II, the first of the soldier-emperors, ruled for less than two years (268–270 AD). The story of Valentine, the Roman priest, dates back to around AD270, during the persecutions of the Emperor Claudius Gothicus. Also, Claudius' unwillingness to do anything at the siege of Autun likely provoked a quarrel with Zenobia. [20], At the same time, the Alamanni had crossed the Alps and attacked the empire. But because Heraclianus was not actually in the east in 268 (instead, at this time, he was involved in the conspiracy of Gallienus' death), we can see that this can not be correct. Dec 4, 2019 sa411. [29], Although it is not proven that the invasion of Gaul was the breaking point between Claudius and Zenobia, the sequence of events point to the siege as an important factor. St. Valentine refused to renounce his faith and Christianity and was executed outside the Flaminian Gate on February 14, 269. There were several Christian martyrs named Valentine but the name of the day may have come from a Valentine who served under Emperor Claudius 11 Gothicus in third-century Rome. Mii de carti la oferte speciale. We are committed to delivering quality independent Christian journalism you can trust. "Therefore, that was the day associated with him when the church would celebrate him and thank God for his life," Friar Longenecker agrees. If this understanding of the sources is correct, it might also be correct to see the expedition of Heraclianus to the east as an event of Claudius' time. The Valentine's Day final celebration will be held on February 14 and you must have made some plans for the big day. According to two accounts, the prime conspirator was Aurelius Heraclianus, the Praetorian Prefect. In this plot, Aurelian is added as a possible conspirator. [16], Claudius, like Maximinus Thrax before him, was of barbarian birth. It should be a day of evangelism. The Scythians successfully invaded the Balkans in the early months of 268, and Aureolus, a commander of the cavalry, declared himself an ally of Postumus and the new emperor in Milan. During his reign he fought successfully against the Alemanni and decisively defeated the Goths at the Battle of Naissus. The legend of St. Valentine is a story that is rooted in fact. [15], The Senate immediately deified Claudius as "Divus Claudius Gothicus". By most accounts, Saint Valentine was a Roman priest and physician who suffered martyrdom during the persecution of Christians by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus about 270 … Marcus Aurelius Claudius 'Gothicus' (10 May 214 – January 270), also known as Claudius II, was Roman emperor from 268 to 270. The issue at hand was the position that Odaenathus held as corrector totius orientis (imparting overall command of the Roman armies and authority over the Roman provincial governors in the designated region). raged and sentenced Valentine to death, commanding him to renounce his faith or be beaten with clubs and beheaded. Since then, February 14 marks Valentine's Day, a day set aside by the Christian church in memory of the Roman priest and physician. This would keep Claudius' record of being an ancestor of Constantine from being tainted. Thus, this biography should be used with extreme caution and supplemented with information from other sources: the works of Aurelius Victor, Pseudo-Aurelius Victor, Eutropius, Orosius, Joannes Zonaras, and Zosimus, as well as coins and inscriptions. [17][18], During the 260s, the breakup of the Roman Empire into three distinct governing entities (the core Roman Empire, the Gallic Empire and the Palmyrene Empire) placed the whole Roman imperium into a precarious position. Very often legends will develop from real facts. The third inscription reveals the career of Marcianus, another leading general by the time that Gallienus died. Ancient sources reveal that there were several St. Valentines … Schnurrbart ( talk) 02:50, 14 February 2010 (UTC) I've removed the description of February 14th as "a commercially sponsored holiday dedicated to … "There are three stories surrounding him and they all agree on a number of issues. The first is a dedication to Aurelius Heraclianus, the prefect involved in the conspiracy against Gallienus, from Traianus Mucianus, who also gave a dedication to Heraclianus' brother, Aurelius Appollinaris, who was the equestrian governor of the province of Thracia in 267–68 AD. While we cannot prove that Heraclianus, Appollinaris, Placidianus, or Marcianus were of Danubian origin themselves, it is clear that none of them were members of the Severan aristocracy, and all of them appear to owe their prominence to their military roles. Scientists, Lawmakers Call for Renewed Investigation of Pandemic Origins - Did It Come from a Lab in China? He won several victories and soon regained control of Hispania and the Rhone river valley of Gaul. Bill Lee Was Struck by Back-to-Back Tragedy, Then He Found the 'Rescuing Arm of Jesus Christ', The Iron Dome is Saving Both Israeli and Palestinian Lives, 'Court-Packing Is a Coup': Warnings Abound as Biden Supreme Court Commission Holds First Meeting. Claudius assumed the consulship in 269 with Paternus, a member of the prominent senatorial family, the Paterni, who had supplied consuls and urban prefects throughout Gallienus' reign, and thus were quite influential. God is everywhere—even in the news. Since he died for the sin of arranging marriages, his death is remembered as a day of love. [19], Under threat of invasion by multiple tribes, Gallienus' troubles primarily lay with Postumus, whom he could not attack because his attention was required in dealing with Macrianus and the invading Scythians. "We do need to recognize that this day, the fourteenth of February, was already connected with Valentine from the fourth century, already from that time onward," says Dr. Bekker. In addition, Flavius Antiochianus, one of the consuls of 270, who was an urban prefect the year before, would continue to hold his office for the following year. "'If you asked the person in the street, 'What does Valentine's Day mean to you?' It wasn't until the Middle Ages that Valentine's Day became a romantic holiday. But in reality, this day of love is rooted in something entirely different. Affectionately known by the Romans as “Claudius the Cruel,” his policies and campaigns were subject to huge amounts of unpopularity and protest. Claudius Gothicus has been linked to Saint Valentine since the Middle Ages. (. English translation: I love you. "The rule was that once you were married, you were given freedom not to go to war and Valentine would not only convert the people, but secretly marry them so that they could indeed stay at home.". A large number of rare gold coins of Claudius have been discovered as part of the Lava Treasure in Corsica, France, in the 1980s. These explanations for Valentine’s Day remain far more popular than the ‘Chaucer Theory’. This page was last edited on 1 April 2021, at 11:29. The stories about 'Valentini' were numerous but the oldest three are the most significant. "And if they did know about a Saint Valentine, they probably wouldn't realize that he was a priest in the late 3rd century in Rome who was actually martyred for the faith. Different accounts of the incident are recorded, but they agree that senior officials wanted Gallienus dead. IMP(ERATOR) C(AESAR) M(ARCUS) AUR(E)L(IUS) CLAUDIUS P(IUS) F(ELIX) AUG(USTUS), The Empire and Foreign Affairs under Claudius, "Now when the war with the Goths was finished, there spread abroad a most grievous pestilence, and then Claudius himself was stricken by the disease, and, leaving mankind, he departed to heaven, an abode befitting his virtues." Italics indicates a junior co-emperor, while underlining indicates a usurper. The tale of his involvement in the conspiracy might be seen as at least partial justification for the murder of Aurelian himself under circumstances that seem remarkably similar to those in this story. "[2] He then turned on the Gallic Empire, ruled by a pretender for the past eight years and encompassing Britain, Gaul, and the Iberian Peninsula. In the next three years, Gallienus' troubles would only get worse. [35] The Golden Legend of 1260 AD recounts how St. Valentine refused to deny Christ before the "Emperor Claudius" in 270 AD and as a result was beheaded. FATHER OF VALENTINE'S DAY COIN Ancient Roman Bronze Coin of Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus in Wood Box + COA Many are the tales of St. Valentine, the third-century priest martyred on February 14—what we now know as Valentine’s Day. That’s why we view every news story through the lens of faith. Thanks to a work known as the Acta Santctorum, a 68-volume encyclopedia of the lives of Christian saints published in the 17th century, we have the account of not one, but three St. Valentines.And in an odd coincidence, they both died on February 14—executed in the 3rd century CE during the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius Gothicus. Many are the tales of St. Valentine, the third-century priest martyred on February 14—what we now know as Valentine’s Day. [35], The legend was retold in later texts, and in the Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493 AD, involved the Roman priest being martyred during a general persecution of Christians. At this time, the prefect of Egypt was Tenagino Probus, described as an able soldier who not only defeated an invasion of Cyrenaica by the nomadic tribes to the south in 269, but also was successful in hunting down Scythian ships in the Mediterranean. Profita acum de ofera speciala pentru Ultima din clanul Stanfield - Marc Levy. Luckily, it was there that Placidianus stopped and Victorinus' position stabilized. Historians aren’t 100 per cent sure about the origins of Valentine’s Day, but many believe it all started as the pre-Roman empire ritual known as Lupercalia, which sounded like a … The most common story about this elusive man was that he was a priest and bishop in Rome in the 3rd century . Venus Approves Saint Valentine's Day Love Valentinus was a Roman Christian priest martyred during the reign of Claudius II (Claudius Gothicus). Claudius' successes in the year 269 were not continued in his next year as emperor. 'Holy in a Hookup World': CBN'S Valentine's Special on Sex and Dating, No Romance Story: St. Valentine a Martyr for Christian Marriage, Keys to a Valentine's Victory: How to Use 'God's Bonding Process' to Build Your Relationship, 'Holy in a Hookup World': CBN'S MUST SEE Valentine's Special on Sex and Dating, TN Gov. Valentine lived during the reign of the Emperor Claudius II, he's sometimes referred to as Claudius Gothicus. As David Potter writes, "The coins of Vaballathus avoid claims to imperial power: he remains vir consularis, rex, imperator, dux Romanorum, a range of titles that did not mimic those of the central government. Late in 269 he had traveled to Sirmium[13] and was preparing to go to war against the Vandals, who were raiding in Pannonia. [dubious – discuss] The victory earned Claudius his surname of "Gothicus" (conqueror of the Goths), and that is how he is known to this day. Print. [27], In his first full year of power, Claudius was greatly assisted by the sudden destruction of the imperium Galliarum. [23] However, he fell victim to the Plague of Cyprian (possibly smallpox), and died early in January 270. Also available on most smart TVs and streaming services. Despite the holiday's initial ties to love and marriage, Valentine's Day didn't become associated with them until medieval times, when it was believed that the mating season of birds began on February 14.. The Roman Emperor of the time was Claudius Gothicus (Claudius II), the first of the tough, soldier emperors , that ruled with an iron fist and was known for his cruelty. Ti voglio bene. [32], Under Zabdas, a Palmyrene army invaded Arabia and moved into Egypt in the late summer. [2], Claudius Gothicus has been linked to Saint Valentine since the Middle Ages. [12], His troops then proclaimed him emperor[13] amid charges, never proven, that he murdered his predecessor Gallienus. But so is the body of Claudius Gothicus. Valentine was arrested and brought to Rome. In a different and more controversial account, Aureolus forges a document in which Gallienus appears to be plotting against his generals and makes sure it falls into the hands of the emperor's senior staff. According to folklore, Gothicus, unhappy at the large number of men opting out of the army due to family commitments, passed a law forbidding the country's single men from getting married. By 268, however, the situation had changed, as Odaenathus was assassinated, most likely due to court intrigue, and Gallienus fell victim to a mutiny in his own ranks. Larue, Gerald A. "Right from the beginning, this celebration had more to do than just a celebration of romantic love. After an interlude of failed aristocratic Roman emperors since Maximinus' death, Claudius was the first in a series of tough "soldier emperors" who would eventually restore the Empire after the Crisis of the Third Century. A colleague of Antiochianus, Virius Orfitus, also the descendant of a powerful family, would continue to hold influence during his father's term as prefect. He died of smallpox in January 270 and was deified by his brother Quintillus who succeeded him for … Valentine was well known for his sanctity and the Emperor, who was intrigued by his fame, invited him to the palace. We should celebrate what true sacrificial love looks like in a broken world and ultimately it should be a day that we celebrate the commitment of Christ who gave his life for his church. Twentieth-century historians agree that the accounts from this period cannot be verified. A short history of imperial Rome, entitled De Caesaribus written by Aurelius Victor in AD 361 states that Claudius consulted the Sibylline Books prior to his campaigns against the Goths. Yet in reality, Claudius never forbade marriage because he was too busy securing his eastern frontier to decree laws in Rome. His destruction of the Gothic cavalry earned him the name of Gothicus. Hinting that Claudius "revived the tradition of the Decii", Victor illustrates the senatorial view, which saw Claudius' predecessor, Gallienus, as too relaxed when it came to religious policies. One version of the story tells of Heraclianus bringing Claudius into the plot while the account given by the Historia Augusta exculpates the would-be emperor and adds the prominent general Lucius Aurelius Marcianus into the plot. [21], Whichever story is true, Gallienus was killed in the summer of 268, and Claudius was chosen by the army outside of Milan to succeed him. [15], It is possible Claudius gained his position and the respect of the soldiers by being physically strong and especially cruel. Valentines — or more accurately, St. Valentine's Day — was in tribute of an actual saint. [23] For this he was awarded the title of "Germanicus Maximus. Valentine lived during the reign of the Emperor Claudius II, he's sometimes referred to as Claudius Gothicus. "Rome at this point in time was a really a cesspool of immoral behavior; pedophilia was rife; sexual promiscuity was rife. Gallienus rushed to the front lines, ready to give orders, when he was struck down by a commander of his cavalry. Valentine’s Day can be traced to the 3rd century A.D when Claudius Gothicus ruled over the Roman Empire. Selected by the troops, Marcus Aurelius Marius was to replace Postumus as ruler. Povestea unui secret de familie tulburator de pe Librariadelfin.ro. Records from that period of Roman history, the so-called Age of Chaos, are spotty, but this is what has been handed down to us: In the year 268 CE, Caesar Marcus Aurelius Claudius Augustus, known as Claudius Gothicus, assumed the Roman … [35][36] The legend refers to "Emperor Claudius", but Claudius I did not persecute Christians (minus the one mention by Suetonius of Jewish followers of "Chrestus" being expelled from Rome; see Suetonius on Christians), so people believe he was Claudius II even though this emperor spent most of his time warring outside his territory. [35][36] Twentieth-century historians agree that the accounts from this period cannot be verified. [21], At the time of Claudius' accession, the Roman Empire was in serious danger from several incursions, both within and outside its borders. Although their influence was weakened, there were still a number of men with influence from the older aristocracy. Tolkein's Lord of the Rings where he says, 'History became legend, and legend became myth.'". The text states that St. Valentine was beaten with clubs and finally beheaded for giving aid to Christians in Rome.

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