Van Meurs and Van Den Biesen21 sought to improve on Aylward's technique by harvesting a relatively healthy midperipheral full-thickness RPE and choroid patch with the advantage of having easy access to cut out the patch and direct control of bleeding from the donor site. This rescue effect was observed at some distance from the grafted cells suggesting the existence of diffusible trophic factors released by the transplant. This finding commonly is called rubeosis irides. Angle pigmentation can occur in angle closure, and following trauma, iritis, and in pseudoexfoliation. Exclude peripheral retinal holes, especially if prescribing pilocarpine. In PDS, the anterior chamber is deeper both centrally and peripherally than can be explained by sex, age, or refractive error. Transient visual blurring or halos often following physical exertion. 9.13 and 9.14). Pigment on the zonules (arrow). The iris pigment epithelial cells (IPEpiC) share the same embryonic origin as retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) and thus exhibit similar functional properties as RPE, including turnover of photoreceptors and synthesis of trophic factors Iris concavity allowing mechanical irideozonular rubbing is likely promoted by the process of reverse pupillary block. Towards the central axis, the IPE terminates at the pupillary margin. Asymmetric involvement may lead to anisocoria, with the larger pupil found in the eye with greater pigment loss from the iris. Trabeculectomy is often effective. Rarely, dense, asymmetric pigment on the iris face can cause heterochromia when involvement is asymmetric. The pigment is phagocytosed by endothelial cells, but endothelial cell density and corneal thickness remain unchanged compared to controls. Despite its importance, the pathophysiology influencing these different outcomes remains only partially understood. Anterior megalophthalmos with megalocornea has been reported in two sisters with PG. Corneal endothelial pigment generally appears as a central, vertical, brown band of pigment on the corneal endothelium, the shape being attributed to aqueous convection currents. Pigment granules may be seen on the iris surface and among zonular insertions at the lens equator (Scheie stripe). Michael G Anderson, in Ocular Disease, 2010. The vacuoles contain glycogen. Figure 9. SIGNIFICANCE: Patients with pigment dispersion syndrome are frequently encountered in clinical practice. Pigment on the posterior lens capsule at the site of zonular insertion (arrow). Ask about visual disturbance, particularly following exercise. Peyman reported a case history on the use of a full-thickness flap with a pedicle. The term, ectropion uveae, refers to traction by a contracting membrane resulting in drawing the pigment epithelium from the region of the posterior pupillary border onto the anterior iris surface. The iris insertion is posterior and the peripheral iris approach is often most concave in the mid-periphery. For example, Schwann cells, derived from peripheral nerves, have been used as autologous grafts to rescue photoreceptors. Inheritance Lee et al. We here demonstrate and characterize multipotent cells within the iris pigment epithelium (IPE) of postnatal and adult rodents. Pigment may also be deposited on Schwalbe's line and on the corneal shelf anterior to it, distinguishable from a Sampaolesi line by the presence of finer and darker particles. Quantification of aqueous melanin granules in the anterior chamber yields a positive correlation with IOP. IPE cells have the ability to incorporate and express neurotrophic factors, to bind ions, and synthesize melanin. Patients with PDS have flatter corneas than myopic age- and refraction-matched controls, but no difference in axial length. Surgical repair of traumatic corneal and scleral lacerations with uveal prolapse postoperatively disclosed a separation of the pigment epithelium. However, in a number of conditions alterations of the iris pig-ment epithelium characterised as vesicles, vacuoles, oedema, or microcysts are found. B, Gonioscopic view of the lesion shown in part A. 5. Surgeons have also reported the use of a split-thickness graft, removing most of the choroid with an excimer laser39 or with a spatula,40 or using a spontaneously occurring free RPE sheet in patients with a pigment epithelium detachment.52 The last approach is particularly interesting in view of the recent development of free RPE sheets, without choriocapillary, grown from embryonic stem cells (see below). Even though it forms a highly specialized tissue, it is not clear whether the iris pigment epithelium contributes critical functions to the health of the visual system. Structure of Iris. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Coincident PDS and megalocornea has been reported, in one study involving four of eight boys referred for megalocornea and elevated IOP. Occasionally, the color of the iris is due to a lack of pigmentation, as in the pinkish-white of oculo-cutaneous albinism, or to obscuration of its pigment by blood vessels, as in the red of an abnormally vascularised iris. Number of genes expressed in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) and iris pigment epithelial (IPE) cells, detected using Affymetrix human U95Av2 chips. Figure 7. These findings were further substantiated by in vitro co-culture studies where significantly greater numbers of surviving cones were seen in mouse dystrophic retinas cultured with retinas containing normal rods compared to dystrophic retinas cultured in medium alone or with rod-deprived retinas.261 Molecules mediating this paracrine effect have been identified.263,264 Several growth factors, neurotrophic factors, and cytokines such as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF), CNTF, GDNF, BDNF, and IL-1β have been shown to exert robust survival-promoting effects in the retina when injected subretinally or intravitreally,250,305 or when delivered by adenovirus gene therapy306 in various animal models of retinal degeneration.307,308 A similar rescue effect has been shown to occur by focal mechanical injury to the retina in light-induced retinal damage309–311 as well as in sham-operated animals during transplantation studies.312,313 This effect is probably mediated by injury-induced upregulation of neurotrophic factors.309,311. Record family history, VA, IOP, corneal pigment deposits, anterior chamber depth and cellular activity, iris transillumination, gonioscopy, RAPD, and disc examination (with pupils dilated). Contrasting this, modeling studies suggest that the amount of pigment chronically present in the juxtacanalicular tissue would likely have a negligible influence on trabecular meshwork permeability.48 Thus, while dispersed pigment can acutely influence IOP through simple physical blockade, this does not seem likely to be the major mechanism causing progression of PDS to PG in most human eyes with chronic pigment dispersion. The defects can sometimes be seen by retroillumination, but infrared videography provides the most sensitive method of detection and may be more helpful in black patients. In conclusion, many aspects of PDS pathophysiology can be explained by mechanical abrasion of the IPE against anterior packets of lens zonules. Neovascularization of the iris may arise from the anterior-chamber angle, the pupillary border, midway between, or all three. Posterior bowing of the midperipheral iris results in abrasion of the iris by lens zonules. Purpose: Cysts of the iris pigment epithelium (IPE) can involve the pupillary margin, midzone, or peripheral location or can be free-floating in the aqueous or vitreous or lodged in the anterior chamber angle. Iris cysts did not display intrinsic vascularity on SS-OCTA (4 patients). The detrimental influences of dispersed pigment appear to involve a complex reaction to pigment. The regeneration of lens tissue from the iris of newts has become a classical model of developmental plasticity, although little is known about the corresponding plasticity of the mammalian iris. 15.4; see also Figs. Epithelioma of the IPE is usually located in the peripheral iris, although it can also originate near the pupillary margin . Jan C. van Meurs, ... Bernd Kirchhof, in Retina (Fifth Edition), 2013. Sidrys LA. The angle is open and the peripheral iris may be appreciably bowed posteriorly. Pigment loss results in iris transillumination, typically seen as radial spokes in the midperiphery (Fig. The epithelial cells are highly pigmented due to the numerous large melanosomeswhich pack the cytoplasm of each cell. Early, anterior chamber angle neovascularization causes a secondary, open-angle glaucoma that progresses rapidly to a closed-angle glaucoma, caused by peripheral anterior synechiae. The anterior chamber is deep. 7.16). R. Ritch, in Encyclopedia of the Eye, 2010. It consists of the anterior limiting layer, the stroma, the dilator muscle layer, and the … This result can be caused by other membranes on the iris surface, such as an endothelial membrane, and is not specific for a neovascular membrane. With PDS only (no glaucomatous optic neuropathy or ocular hypertension), review 6–12 monthly; for pigmentary glaucoma, 3–12 monthly as indicated by stability of the IOP, disc and fields. Abstract • Background: Iris pigment epithelium (IPE) cells and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells possess the same embryonic origin. Pigment on the posterior lens capsule (arrow). The pupil may be distorted in the direction of maximal iris transillumination, possibly as a result of hyperplasia of the iris dilator muscle (see below). These newly formed blood vessels tend to bleed easily, hence the misused and poor term hemorrhagic glaucoma; neovascular glaucoma is the preferred term so as not to confuse the entity with glaucoma secondary to traumatic hemorrhage. Surgical excision revealed that the cysts were comprised entirely of iris pigment epithelial cells. All pigment epithelial cysts were managed by observation. It is more common in Caucasians, myopes, and the 35–50 age group, and can occur with an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern with variable penetrance. The strategies employed, including the type of cells used, in these paradigms depend on the primary derangement that causes photoreceptor cell death. Two secondary cysts required surgical removal. Posterior Iris Pigment Epithelial Cyst rounded smooth pigmented tumor This digital image shows a rounded smooth pigmented tumor sandwiched between the iris and the anterior lens capsule. They are spontaneously erupting epithelial-lined cavities that are found in various anatomic locations of the iris, including the iris pupillary margin, midzone, periphery, and free floating in the vitreous or anterior chamber. Iris pigment epithelium cysts. within the iris pigment epithelial cells. A, Subtle adenoma of IPE in the peripheral iris inferonasally in the left eye of patient 16. In younger patients, the scleral spur may be poorly demarcated, blending with the ciliary face due to pigment deposition on these structures. Figure 10. With the current lack of demonstrable presence or function of RPE or IPE suspension transplants35,37,38 the authors decided to pursue the use of a sheet of autologous RPE on its own substratum. The holes may be seen in at least 25% of known diabetic patients who have blue irises. Animal studies of PDS suggest that the IOP response to dispersed pigment is a multistep process. The pigment epithelium continues forward as a pigmented layer of cells covering the ciliary body; farther forward still, the epithelium covers the posterior surface of the iris and provides the cells that constitute the dilator muscle of this diaphragm. The iris contains pigmented cells and muscle and is composed of four layers: the anterior border layer, the stroma, the dilator muscle layer and the posterior epithelium. Rupture of the vacuoles when the intraocular pressure is suddenly reduced, as in entering the anterior chamber during cataract surgery, results in release of pigment into the posterior chamber. epithelium composed of cells containing granules of pigment or melanin, as in the retinal or iris pigment layer. The iris dilator muscle is strictly attached to the anterior side of the iris pigmented epithelium and represents the anterior continuation of the pigmented ciliary epithelium. Pigment deposits in the trabecular meshwork are associated with raised IOP and glaucoma. However, diseases specific to the IPE itself are almost non-existent, and it seems to be a highly differentiated, stable cell type that almost never gives rise to malignancies, unlike the melanocytes of the iris stroma. iris cysts; children; The classification, incidence, and management of iris cysts has been covered in recent reports.1-4 Iris cysts are classified as primary or secondary types, with the primary cysts being further divided into pigment epithelial or stromal types.1Most iris cysts arise from the iris pigment epithelium in adults but the iris stromal cyst … Manage pigmentary glaucoma as for primary open angle glaucoma (p. 287). Even without the development of iris neovascularization, an increased incidence of both primary open- and closed-angle glaucoma exists in diabetes. Together, these animal studies indicate that PG is not typically caused solely by physical obstruction to aqueous humor outflow. EPITHELIOMA (ADENOMA) OF THE IRIS PIGMENT EPITHELIUM Clinical Features. The diagnosis of iris cysts is based on the slit lamp exam and imaging by ultrasound biomicroscopy The iris pigment epithelium (IPE) is a one cell thick layer of cuboidal cells lying behind the iris. May present late with glaucomatous field loss. Towards the central axis, the IPE terminates at the pupillary margin. In autopsy eyes from diabetic patients, vacuolation of the iris pigment epithelium may be related to increased blood glucose levels before death. As the fibrovascular tissue on the anterior iris surface contracts, ectropion uveae may develop. In patients with unilateral PDS the anterior chamber was deeper and the lens flattens in the involved eyes. Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Articles needing additional references from September 2014, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 March 2021, at 10:24. However, additional risk factors likely also exist. Rather, the damaging aspects of pigment dispersion appear to result from complex reactions to the dispersed pigment. MP term: abnormal iris pigment epithelium: MP id: MP:0005199: Definition: anomaly in the epithelial layer of the iris composed of cells containing pigment granules Fig. Putative stages in the transdifferentiation of RPE and IPE cells. Experimental studies in living cynomolgus monkeys have found that injecting pigment into the anterior chamber will result in trabecular meshwork pigmentation, but no lasting changes in outflow facility.49 This inducible model results in PDS, but not PG. The epithelial cells are highly pigmented due to the numerous large melanosomes which pack the cytoplasm of each cell. 5th ed. Posterior synechiae and a dense occlusion of the pupil tightly bound the papillary margin to the lens capsule. Pigment on the anterior vitreous face (arrow). In Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology, 2008. Nevertheless, subretinal Schwann cell transplants have been shown to limit photoreceptor cell loss in RCS rats for as long as 9 months35,302 and for up to 2 months in rhodopsin knockout mice (Fig. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Pigment Dispersion Syndrome and Pigmentary Glaucoma, Pigmentary dispersion syndrome and glaucoma, Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Choroid Translocation in Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS) is characterized by pigment shedding from. The angle is characteristically widely open, with a homogeneous, dense pigmented band on the trabecular meshwork. Detailed clinical and histopathologic studies of this unusual tumor showed the lesion to be derived from the anterior iris pigment epithelium. Pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS) is characterized by pigment shedding from iris pigment epithelium and deposition on other intraocular structures. Pigment dispersion syndrome is diagnosed clinically based on the presence of iris transillumination defects in the mid-peripheral iris, pigment Follow-up was 6 months and stabilization of vision at 20/400 was reported.19 Aylward, in nine patients, used a full-thickness patch, cut out from a location adjacent to the removed subfoveal membrane. 125.2).303 In addition, Schwann cells engineered to secrete GDNF or BDNF promote photoreceptor rescue in RCS rats to an even greater degree than that observed with parent Schwann cells.34, Transplantation of rod photoreceptors with the goal of cone photoreceptor “rescue” has been undertaken because, in the vast majority of RP cases and related animal models, the disease-causing mutations are expressed exclusively in rod cells. The most common type of iris cyst, iris pig­ment epithelium cysts tend to show up on routine examinations because they are asymptomatic and rarely cause vi­sual problems, said Prithvi Mruthyun­jaya, MD, MHS, at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Transplanted rods might rescue existing cones that would be lost secondary to rod cell degeneration.304 Subretinal rod photoreceptor transplants have been shown to exert a protective effect on cone photoreceptors in animal models of retinal dystrophies, delaying photoreceptor degeneration and limiting cell death. Ischemic retina resulting in proliferative DR increases the intraocular level of VEGF, resulting in the proliferation of new, abnormal blood vessels on the iris surface. Gonioscopy shows diffuse pigment deposition around 360° of the trabecular meshwork. Conclusion: Pigment epithelial cysts generally remain stable without need for treatment. Request a baseline disc image and visual field. Pigment dispersion may ‘burn out’ prior to causing elevated IOP. It is also known that the pigmented epithelial cells in the eye have a high transdifferentiation potential. Figure 6. Of the 4 primary stromal cysts, 3 were managed by surgical excision and 1 by observation. Defining the precise events dictating whether or not PDS progresses to PG remains a significant challenge to our understanding of these diseases. The pigment is visible clinically as a cloud moving through the pupil into the anterior chamber. (1996) concluded that the cystic and ruffled anomalies of the iris pigment epithelium represented variable expressivity of a single gene and that the disorder is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Likewise, changes in genetic background can genetically convert the DBA/2J mouse model of PG into a model of only PDS.50 These experiments demonstrate that progression of PDS to PG can be genetically modified. On average, a mean ± SD of 5308 ± 416 genes were expressed in RPE cells … Longitudinal section In the longitudinal section, the white arrow points to the cyst emanating from the iris pigment epithelium. The iris dilator muscle is strictly attached to the anterior side of the iris pigmented epithelium an… In cases with more pronounced pigment liberation, pigment granules may accumulate in iris furrows, where they are visible as concentric rings (arrow). 15.3). In years to come, technological advances such as high-density genome-wide arrays will bring new opportunities to study the heredity of PDS and PG in humans, while newly described mouse models will allow complementary mechanistic studies into the molecular events influencing PDS and PG. Once pigment is liberated from the IPE, some eyes progress toward elevated IOP, while in others, PDS can persist for extended periods of time without further incident. Myron Yanoff MD, Joseph W. Sassani MD MHA, in Ocular Pathology (Eighth Edition), 2020, Vacuolation of iris pigment epithelium (Fig. Schwann cells, however, do not phagocytose photoreceptor outer segments. Pinpoint “holes” may be seen clinically with the slit lamp when transpupillary retroillumination is used. The vacuolation is also seen histologically in neonates and in patients who have systemic mucopolysaccharidoses (the vacuoles contain acid mucopolysaccharides), Menkes’ syndrome, and multiple myeloma. ... *THE ANTERIOR PIGMENT EPITHELIUM ARE CONTINUOUS WITH THE OUTER PIGMENTED EPITHELIUM OF THE CILIARY BODY AND THE RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM She has a cyst of the iris pigment epithelium that, on dilated examination, extends into the pupillary space. Iris pigment epithelial (IPE) cysts are a subset of iris cysts that arise from the IPE. For the epithelium cells, iris from posterior to anterior you have 4 layers. Despite the wide range of colors, the only pigment that contributes substantially to normal human iris color is the dark pigment melanin. Peripherally, the IPE is continuous with the inner, non-pigmented layer of the ciliary epithelium. Rupture of the vacuoles when the intraocular pressure is suddenly reduced, as in entering the anterior chamber during cataract surgery, results in release of pigment into the posterior chamber. When this patient was undergoing cataract extraction her surgeon noted a mass that had not been seen before and aborted the case. The vacuoles contain glycogen. Vacuolation of the iris pigment epithelium is present in 40% of enucleated diabetic eyes. Clinically, it is abruptly elevated, dark gray to black in color, and has a smooth but sometimes multinodular surface. It is present in fewer than 5% of diabetic patients without PDR, but in approximately 50% of patients who have PDR. Argon laser trabeculoplasty may be effective but has a high failure rate; use low-power settings. The melanosomes of the IPE are distinctive, being larger, blacker and rounder than those in the ciliary epithelium or RPE.[1]. In the future, identification of the mechanisms mediating these responses will likely bring important new insight into the pathophysiology of PDS. Iris–zonule contact may be reduced by low-dose pilocarpine, but this is often not tolerated. A 4-year-old boy had a jet-black, nodular lesion growing in his right iris. The iris pigment epithelium, which has the same embryonic origin as retinal pigment epithelium, has not received much attention from visual scientists. Vacuolation of the iris pigment epithelium is present in 40% of enucleated diabetic eyes. In support of this, in some patients vigorous exercise can briefly lead to temporary “pigment storms” and elevations in IOP.46,47 The rapid and temporary nature of these linked events is consistent with physical obstruction to aqueous outflow caused by accumulations of pigment within the trabecular meshwork. Consider IOP measurement following exercise. Figure 8. We prefer the term microcyst(s) for this appearance. The ciliary epithelia represent the anterior continuation of the multilayered retina, whose retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) corresponds to the pigmented ciliary epithelium, while the multilayered sensory retina fades into the non-pigmented ciliary epithelium. Pigment may be deposited on the zonules (Figure 7), on the posterior capsule of the lens, where it is apposed to the anterior hyaloid face at the insertion of the posterior zonular fibers (Zentmayer ring, Figure 8), on the posterior lens central to Weigert's ligament (Figure 9), and on the anterior vitreous face when that has separated from the lens (Figure 10). This report demonstrates that microcysts of the iris pigment epithelium (MIPE) are more frequent than pre- Iritis may cause iris transillumination. Clinical, ultrasonographic, and pathological features of adenomas of the iris pigment epithelium (IPE). The iris pigment epithelium (IPE) is a one cell thick layer of cuboidal cells lying behind the iris. Peripherally, the IPE is continuous with the inner, non-pigmented layer of the ciliary epithelium. Rubeosis iridis is the clinical descriptive term for iris neovascularization. Avariant of IPE cyst, known as iris flocculi, … In four patients, some function on microperimetry could be shown over the patch; but the preoperative vision was too low to assess vision in detail using the techniques available at the time.20 Fibrosis of the patch, however, developed in the second year of follow-up in most patients and previously documented function on the graft had disappeared.51 In Aylward's patients the grafted paramacular choriocapillary appeared sclerotic and damaged by the surgery and we speculated that it was therefore less likely to be successfully revascularized. Loss of iris pigment appears clinically as a mid-peripheral, radial, slit-like pattern of transillumination defects seen most commonly inferonasally and most easily in eyes with blue irides. Reports of adenomas and adenocarcinomas of the IPE exist, but some of these are debatable. The iris is usually strongly pigmented, with the color typically ranging between brown, hazel, green, gray, and blue. Iris atrophy may be limited to the iris pigment epithelial layer ().This may be seen in conditions such as pigmentary glaucoma, 1 diabetic changes 2 in the iris, as well as chafing of the posterior iris surface after sulcus implantation of an intraocular lens 3, 4 ().Such localized atrophy of the iris pigment epithelium would clinically show normal or slightly altered anterior iris … In albinism, it is fully or partially nonpigmented and translucent, which contributes to the photophobia of that condition. Vamsi K. Gullapalli, ... Marco A. Zarbin, in Retina (Fifth Edition), 2013, A wide variety of cells, including rod photoreceptors, RPE, IPE, and even nonocular cells such as Schwann cells, as well as progenitor stem cells have been used in transplantation paradigms aimed at rescuing host residual photoreceptors and retarding the progression of retinal degenerative diseases. The iris pigment epithelium is in the back and has some black or brown pigmentation to it. The quantity of … The IPE is affected by glaucoma, diabetes, and iris inflammations and atrophies of various kinds, generally responding by showing patchy thinning and depigmentation. Surgeons in Cologne, Kiel, Liverpool, Vienna, Verona, Beijing, London, and Rotterdam have published further reports, some with a different surgical approach with a flapover technique to expose the subretinal space. Iris abnormalities and the absence of key features of pigment dispersion syndrome can guide the discovery of secondary causes of pigmentary glaucoma, such … The new blood vessels often give a reddish hue to the iris surface. Access of VEGF to the anterior chamber inducing the development of iris neovascularization is facilitated by lensectomy and vitrectomy, both of which remove these barriers leading to the development of iris neovascularization in approximately 50% of cases. Alward and Haynes suggested the presence of an efferent defect in the eye with the larger pupil. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Pigment particles tend to aggregate in the furrows of the iris surface (Figure 6). However, iris … Schwann cells are known to produce growth factors such as ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and are therefore a source for sustained growth factor release. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Wiliams & Wilkins; 2006. Transplantation of iris pigment epithelial (IPE) cells to the subretinal space has been attempted as a therapeutic modality for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Pigment deposition on the corneal endothelium is usually concentrated in the vertical midline by aqueous convection (Krukenburg spindle. The simplest explanation for pigment-related changes in IOP is that dispersed pigment accumulated within the trabecular meshwork physically blocks aqueous humor outflow. Neovascularization of iris (rubeosis iridis; Fig. Smooth surface to the bilobed lesion, which does not affect the iris stroma, is seen. Mohand-Said and coworkers262 have demonstrated that rod-rich retinal grafts transplanted into the subretinal space of rd mice, a strain with a naturally occurring mutation in the gene encoding the β-subunit of rod cyclic guanosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase (cGMP), preserved cone cells, with cone density 30–40% greater than that of untreated rd retinas (Table 125.2). The anterior border layer consists of a dense packing of pigmented or nonpigmented cells similar in appearance to the cells present throughout the remainder of the stroma. Ross M, Pawlina W. Histology. Lacy vacuolation and “damage” to the overlying dilator muscle may be the cause of delayed dilatation of the iris after instillation of mydriatics. Davidson and colleagues compared the central and peripheral anterior chamber depths of patients with PDS to controls and found the anterior chamber to be deeper and the anterior chamber volume greater in the PDS group, more so inferiorly. Separation of the iris pigment epithelium. Iris Pigment Epithelial Cyst Iris pigment epithelial cysts are commonly located at the Treatment with laser peripheral iridotomy is controversial. Despite their very different functions and histological appearances, these regions have a common origin from the two layers of the embryological optic cup. What is the location of the epithelium cells? Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. 1-5 It is solitary and unilateral.

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