[23] Smith said that he became interested in religion by age 12. [58] When the narrative described an institutional church and a requirement for baptism, Smith and Cowdery baptized each other. Joseph Smith passed away in Hutchinson Island, Florida. He disfavored imprisonment of convicts except for murder, preferring efforts to reform criminals through labor; he also opposed courts-martial for military deserters. [199] According to Hay, Wills, whom the Mormon prophet had shot in the arm, was an Irishman who had joined the mob from “his congenital love of a brawl.” Gallaher was a young man from Mississippi who was shot in the face. [69] Cowdery was also assigned the task of locating the site of the New Jerusalem. It tells the story of the rise and fall of a religious civilization beginning about 600 BC and ending in 421 AD. [301] Although Emma knew of some of her husband's marriages, she almost certainly did not know the extent of his polygamous activities. If Smith really chose to cite Isaiah 53:7 to describe his impending death as being similar in details to that of Jesus Christ, why do we not see this? [292][293] Although the church had publicly repudiated polygamy, in 1837 there was a rift between Smith and Oliver Cowdery over the issue. As such, Smith and other Latter Day Saints did not strictly follow this counsel, though it later became a requirement in the LDS Church. Soon afterwards, Taylor “saw a number of men, with painted faces, coming around the corner of the jail, and aiming towards the stairs.” Immediately Willard Richards and Hyrum Smith leaned against the door to prevent the mob from entering the room. Joseph Smith sought the help of Illinois Governor Thomas Ford. On the afternoon of June 27th, the Smiths, Willard Richards, and John Taylor were in this latter “cell” when, in the words of John Taylor. [227] After completing the translation, Smith gave the brown stone to Cowdery, but continued to receive revelations using another stone until about 1833 when he said he no longer needed it. [51] Anthon denied Harris's account of the meeting, claiming instead that he had tried to convince Harris that he was the victim of a fraud. [253] Smith's last revelation, on the "New and Everlasting Covenant", was recorded in 1843, and dealt with the theology of family, the doctrine of sealing, and plural marriage. Frederick Granger Williams Smith. During their 17-year marriage, they were parents to 11 children, two of whom were adopted. [277] Each priesthood was a continuation of biblical priesthoods through patrilineal succession or ordination by biblical figures appearing in visions. [67] In response, Smith dictated a revelation which clarified his office as a prophet and an apostle, and which declared that only he held the ability to give doctrine and scripture for the entire church. [200], Throughout her life, Emma Smith frequently denied that her husband had ever taken additional wives. [221], Smith never said how he produced the Book of Mormon, saying only that he translated by the power of God and implying that he had transcribed the words. Apart from those who committed the eternal sin, Smith taught that even the wicked and disbelieving would achieve a degree of glory in the afterlife. Apostle Pratt wrote of hearing that a “Mr. [66], Smith's authority was undermined when Oliver Cowdery, Hiram Page, and other church members also claimed to receive revelations. The Death Masks of Joseph and Hyrum Smith The funeral procession seared the Saints. [290] Plural marriage, according to Smith, allowed an individual to transcend the angelic state and become a god, accelerating the expansion of one's heavenly kingdom. [275] He also envisioned that the theocratic institutions he established would have a role in the worldwide political organization of the Millennium. Please accept Echovita’s sincere condolences. It also recommended that Latter Day Saints avoid "strong" alcoholic drinks, tobacco, and "hot drinks" (later interpreted to mean tea and coffee). They were told at the time that it was the blood of Joseph Smith that was shed for the church. When it was learned that the municipal court had no right to decide such a case, the defendants were then examined by Justice Daniel H. Wells. When he was 24, Smith published the Book of Mormon. At the age of seven Smith suffered a crippling bone infection and, after receiving surgery, used crutches for three years. I shall die innocent, and it shall yet be said of me. He described the revelatory process as having "pure Intelligence" flowing into him. Some of these polyandrous marriages were done with the consent of the first husbands, and some plural marriages may have been considered "eternity-only" sealings (meaning that the marriage would not take effect until after death). "[229] Smith had assumed a role as prophet, seer, and apostle of Jesus Christ, and by early 1831, he was introducing himself as "Joseph the Prophet". "[29] Smith said he recounted the experience to a preacher, who dismissed the story with contempt. Was Smith making some kind of messianic statement and comparing his death to that of the Savior when he said he was being a lamb led to the slaughter? The recollections of … Perhaps not. Zina Jacobs, one of Joseph’s plural wives, recognized how vulnerable the Saints actually were: “Little did my heart ever think that mine eyes should witness this awful seen [sic]” (Jacobs Diary, June 29, 1844). I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate and distinct personage from God the Father, and that the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit: and that these three constitute three distinct personages and three Gods” ( History of the Church 6:474). I afterwards understood that two or three were wounded by these discharges, two of whom, I am informed, died.”. [107] Around June 1838, recent convert Sampson Avard formed a covert organization called the Danites to intimidate Mormon dissenters and oppose anti-Mormon militia units. He was also being accused by Assistant President of the Church Oliver Cowdery[93] of engaging in a sexual relationship with a teenage servant in his home, Fanny Alger. Joseph Smith Jr. (December 23, 1805 – June 27, 1844) was an American religious leader and founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement. The municipal court of Nauvoo, composed of Mormons sympathetic to Smith, did not see it this way and acquitted all of the accused. “I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate and distinct personage from God the Father, and the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit: and these three constitute three distinct personages and three Gods,” (Teachings of Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 370). [173] Smith was buried in Nauvoo, and is interred there at the Smith Family Cemetery. In an April 5, 1896 conference address, Franklin D. Richards said, “Well before the temple was completed our Prophet laid down his life, having been led like a lamb to the slaughter” (Collected Discourses 5:109). [153] Most notably, William Law, Smith's trusted counselor, and Robert Foster, a general of the Nauvoo Legion, disagreed with Smith about how to manage Nauvoo's economy. Harris persuaded Smith to let him take the existing 116 pages of manuscript to Palmyra to show a few family members, including his wife. The collapse of the church-sponsored Kirtland Safety Society Anti-Banking Company and violent skirmishes with non-Mormon Missourians caused Smith and his followers to establish a new settlement at Nauvoo, Illinois, where he became a spiritual and political leader. When I visited the Carthage Jail again in June of 2002, “Sister Thorpe,” after speaking reverently of Joseph Smith, told the crowd that “he sacrificed his blood for us.” Two days earlier, a personal friend of mine visited the jail and was told by his tour guide that Carthage was the Mormon “Calvary.” In 1988, Ted Cannon, then director of the Mormon Visitor Centers at Carthage and Nauvoo, told reporter Doug Schorpp that Carthage “…holds the same significance…as Calvary holds for Christians all over the world” (Journal Star, Peoria, IL, Sunday, June 26, 1988 D3). [289], Smith taught that the highest level of exaltation could be achieved through "plural marriage" (polygamy), which was the ultimate manifestation of this New and Everlasting Covenant. Joseph H. “Joe” Smith Joseph H. “Joe” Smith, 76, of Centre Township, passed away Saturday in Tower Health-Reading Hospital. Again they were acquitted. When Smith proposed marriage, Emma's father, Isaac Hale objected, in part because he believed Smith had no means to support Emma. [The Holy Spirit] may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so that by noticing it, you may find it fulfilled the same day or soon; those things that were presented unto your minds by the Spirit of God, will come to pass. Moses is told in this account that God made the Earth and heavens to bring humans to eternal life. [311] Then in the early 1840s, after Mormons had been expelled from Missouri, he once again opposed slavery. [240] The LDS Church has proposed that Smith might have been inspired by the papyri rather than have been translating them literally,[241] but prominent Egyptologists note that Smith copied characters from the scrolls and was specific about their meaning. John A. Wilson, "The Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri: Translations and Interpretations, harvtxt error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFSmith1994 (. [65] He was acquitted, but soon both he and Cowdery fled to Colesville to escape a gathering mob. However, all DNA testing of potential Smith descendants from wives other than Emma has been negative. Mormon prophet. Hay described Voras (Voorhees) as a “half-grown hobbledehoy from Bear Creek” whom Joseph shot in the shoulder. The death of Joseph Smith. [268], In Smith's view, the opportunity to achieve exaltation extended to all humanity; those who died with no opportunity to accept saving ordinances could achieve exaltation by accepting them in the afterlife through proxy ordinances performed on their behalf.

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