Alerts are sent to students, faculty, and staff automatically by COM Alert. 4       The administrator should be notified of such action as soon as possible. Tornado Drill Procedures Emergency evacuations of day care centers during tornadoes can be traumatic for children. Advanced planning becomes especially critical to childrens’ well-being. Have the children practice the cover position. Then there’s the next step, "We have to get to the basement," Meaux said. In many states, licensed child-care facilities are required to have emergency plans in place. During the statewide tornado drill residents will observe or hear alerts on NOAA Weather Radios, TV and radio stations. tornado drill or warning, they should be instructed to respond to a specific command ... immediately into the protective position. A mock tornado watch will be issued statewide by the NWS at 1:00 p.m. Make a Ready kit for at least three days of self-sufficiency. So, please use the brochure for the explanation and illustration of the correct tornado safety position, and use the above information to dispel concerns about potential spinal/back injury. 2       Take students into protected classrooms. Statewide Tornado Drill is April 11 Dear School Officials: April 8-12, 2019 is Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week in Wisconsin. Tornado Drill A sexual activity where the receiving partner faces the wall, gets on their knees, and covers their neck. In homes and small buildings one must go to the basement or an interior room on the lowest floor (closet, bathroom), to … At approximately 10:00 a.m., on Wednesday, March 8th, the National Weather Service Once there, children should assume the "cover position" along an interior wall and wait for an adult to give the all clear. Level Yellow: Suspected  Intruder. Familiarize yourself with the terms that are used to identify a tornado hazard. Do you have more than one way to receive a warning? Tornado watches and warnings. 4       If an intruder is in the classroom, use the intercom to call the office for assistance. Determine the safest place in your building -- a basement or interior room -- and keep it accessible and free of heavy items that could injure someone. The drill is conducted in close coordination with the South Carolina Broadcasters Association. But be aware that neither history nor official warnings offer complete certainty; it's up to you to stay alert in conditions that may result in tornadoes forming. ... Our teachers, throughout the year, will do a practice tornado drill," said Myers, a … Practice your tornado safety procedures by following the below steps. Depending on the age and number of children in your care and the nature of your facility, you may want to teach them to gather at the door of the classroom or play area and be escorted by an adult or to go directly to the safety zone. Time for the emotional reckoning. All authorized visitors must wear a visitor’s badge. Demonstrate the "cover position," kneeling knee-to-chest with hands clasped covering the head. Doors should already be locked. Tornado Watch: Conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes in and close to the watch area. Tornado Plans for Your Home or Business Demonstrate the protective posture and have them practice it. Check your state's regulations to make sure that you're in compliance. Duration: 4 to 8 hours. The child should be sitting/kneeling FACING the wall, with his/her hands over the back of his/her head and neck, tucked into a ball. (Pause) ACTION 4, SECURE BUILDING. To rnado drills should be different than fire drills. Ohio's "tornado season" is April 1 -- July 30. Explain the importance of staying calm, cooperating quickly and paying attention to instructions during the drill. US Department of Health and Human Services: Office of Child Care:State Regulatory Requirements for Emergency Preparedness Planning, Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services: Tornado Drill Procedures, State of Michigan: Sample Emergency Procedure Plans, Storm Prediction Center: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Tornado Preparedness Tips for School Administrators, Federal Emergency Management Agency: How To Prepare For A Tornado, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: National Weather Radio. Have occupants sit and face the walls. What was my part? During drills, move occupants into those areas. Over 50 years of statistics collected by the Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Public Health Service, indicate that NO children have been injured by a tornado when they are in this position. There was concern from some people that this leaves the child's back exposed and therefore subject to spinal injury. Tornado Drill and Warning Procedure for everyone: • Tornado Warning is activated by National Weather Service. If necessary, help evacuate students. and the known location of the intruder. 4       Complete a quick head count. requires that all public schools conduct a minimum of two tornado safety drills per school year. The correct tornado safety position is like the one illustrated in the "Tornadoes: Nature's Most Violent Storms" brochure (ARC 5002). If you live in an area prone to tornados, such as tornado alley, you … The correct tornado safety position is like the one illustrated in the "Tornadoes: Nature's Most Violent Storms" brochure (ARC 5002). (Pause) SECURE BUILDING. Normally issued well in advance of severe weather. 2. Make sure all employees know of this plan, and have surprise practice drills. 3       Check restrooms and vacant rooms. Sign up for text or e-mail alerts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Weather Radio, know where to find their local station on your radio dial, and keep spare batteries handy. The NWS will follow it with a statewide mock tornado warning at 1:45 p.m. Lead all students to the designated safe places in a calm, orderly and firm manner. The inside of this handout is designed to be used a s a poster to be displayed where children can Public safety agencies in the county are participating in the exercise in conjunction with the National Weather Service. Teacher, we are sorry to interrupt. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. "When the drill comes on will go out of our rooms," Chintalachrauva said. “Even if there was a real tornado drill going on, we would know what to do,” Gortemaker said. It is important to understand why certain actions are being taken, to know the weather terms that are being used, and to know what visual clues can signal you to potential dangers ahead. College of the Mainland will conduct a tornado drill on Wednesday, March 10. 1       An announcement in person directly or over the public address system. 3       High School Principal will be responsible for checking all third floor classrooms and restrooms. The child should be sitting/kneeling FACING the wall, with his/her hands over the back of his/her head and neck, tucked into a ball. Officials say that participation in the drill is voluntary and decided county by … Repeat announcement no less than three times. Out of the tornado drill position. This wil l allow both students and faculty to remain calm and move quickly in the event of a real tornado. Rules for tornado drills require detailed plans that are practiced before a … 1       Staff is to stop any stranger and inquire as to his/her business in the building. Organize first aid and medical supplies. Stay with children and protect them. You probably remember the tornado drills of your elementary school days, during which you and your classmates calmly filed into the hall, got down on your knees, tucked your head and covered the back of your neck. 4       Athletic Director will check AC, locker rooms and kitchen. (Pause) SECURE BUILIDNG. The greatest danger during a tornado is being injured by flying debris. Tornado Drill for Schools On Wednesday, March 8th at 10:00 A.M. March 6-11, Severe Weather Awareness Season begins. 6       Teachers will conduct an immediate head count and call into the main office using the PA system, the number of students present and accounted for. Supervise administration of first aid by those trained in it. Do a walk-through, and post diagrams in prominent locations. Prepare for drill. Before a drill. 1       Teachers and other staff members are to immediately lock doors and have students lie on the floor. Contrarily, data indicate that there have been some injuries to children when they are facing the other way. 2       Security will be called when a person poses a threat to the safety of students or staff. If danger exists, evacuate the students to a safe position away from the intruder. (Pause) SECURE BUILDING.". Tornadoes can destroy buildings, flip cars, and create deadly flying debris. On April 15, two statewide tornado drills are planned. Students will not be alerted unless necessary. Care should be taken to assure that students are not given information unless necessary. 1. The general rule for tornado safety is go low and stay low - go to the lowest level of a building or structure away from windows and crouch in a low position with your head covered. 2       Use messengers with oral or written word as an alternate means of staff notification. There will be a statewide tornado drill on Wednesday. Time to assess what’s left behind. Reminder: Tornado Drill Today at approximately 10:00 am Tornado Drill and Warning Procedure for everyone: • Tornado Warning is activated by National Weather Service. Given the first command the following actions will be taken: 1       Teacher/Leader repeats announcement, 2       To Obtain cooperation and silence from those in attendance, 3       Obtain cooperation and silence from those in attendance. 7       Nurse: Administer first aid. Size can vary. (Pause) SECURE BUILDING. Tornado Warning: A tornado is indicated by radar and people in the affected area should seek safe shelter immediately. Until February of that year, I’d focused solely on friendships with the two most popular girls: Queen Bee and her main lady-in-waiting. The IOC meeting in the ________.” (Fill in the location of the danger area.) The correct tornado safety position is like the one illustrated in the "Tornadoes: Nature's Most Violent Storms" brochure (ARC 5002). Demonstrate the "cover position," kneeling knee-to-chest with hands clasped covering the head. Cancel signal: “The IOC meeting has been cancelled.”. The drill … See disclaimer. 5       Office Staff: Provide assistance to principal by handling telephones, monitor radio emergency broadcasts, assist with health emergencies as needed, acting as messengers, etc. This ACTION is considered appropriate for, alerting the building of a Preliminary intruder alert. duct regular drills to practice such plan. An I-O-C meeting is called to alert teachers and leaders that a possible intruder is in the bldg. A tornado drill is a procedure of practicing to take cover in a specified location in the event that a tornado strikes an area. 2       Students outside should be directed by the staff to go inside the building to a safe room (see current locations as announced during staff meetings). © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Safety Coordinators: If you are in a designated Severe Weather Shelter area, assist others to your area and stay ... and assume a protective position. 1       Contact the office to be sure the visitor has registered. Call security and custodial supervisor to start an immediate facility lock-down. The child should be sitting/kneeling FACING the wall, with his/her hands over the back of his/her head and neck, tucked into a ball. A tornado watch means weather conditions are favorable for tornadoes to develop. Follow the drill according to the plan you have developed. 9       Staff: Assist with evacuation, if needed. The 2020 tornado season claimed the lives of 76 individuals and injured hundreds more. Alert signal: “ACTION 4, SECRUE BUILDING. Have the children practice the cover position. The other major problem with the face-forward position is, once again as kids can't resist trying to "sneak a peek," there are documented cases of severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in children who observe damage while it is happening. Fifty-one percent of those victims were in a mobile home or trailer park at the time of the tornado. Make sure your plan includes securing vital documents such as parent contact information. Know your region's history of tornado activity. Eighth grade students Suhita Chintalacharuva and Tate Meaux break down what they have to do during the drill. as soon as possible. Many states regulate how daycare facilities prepare for this kind of emergency. Schools that participate in the statewide drill in March can usually credit that date as their required April tornado drill. Use these areas for drills and any severe weather/tornado warnings. This is a perfect time for school administrators, safety officers, and faculty to review severe weather safety procedures and participate in the annual tornado drill. 3       The receptionist will call the custodial supervisor to do an immediate lock-down of all exterior doors of the facility. During a tornado the best shelter is an underground area, such as a basement or a storm shelter. Recently several calls and e-mails have asked for verification of the correct tornado safety position for children to take during drills (and actual tornadoes) in schools. Make the first tornado drill of the year part of a larger lesson about extreme weather. Learn what to do if you are under a tornado warning and how to stay safe when a tornado threatens. Meet with staff first, and make sure everyone knows the safest way to reach the safety area, avoiding glass windows and doors. Anne Pyburn Craig has written for a range of regional and local publications ranging from in-depth local investigative journalism to parenting, business, real estate and green building publications. When children are assembled in school basements or interior hallways during a tornado drill or Warning, they should be instructed to respond to a specific command to assume protective postures, facing interior walls, when the danger in imminent. This ACTION is considered appropriate for, but not limited to, the following: Goal: To maintain calm and order and not disrupt the classrooms any more than necessary. 2       While students are getting on floor, close any shades and/or blinds if it appears safe to do so. Whether you’re studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. Severe weather may strike with only a few minutes of advance warning. Discuss tornado safety as needed to prepare for and conduct successful drills. Example: "Your attention please. 8       Teacher: Lock classroom door. 6       Custodians: Examine buildings and plant for damage, provide damage control, keep principal informed of condition of school, assist as directed by the principal. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. According to Ohio Fire Code 409.2, schools must conduct tornado drills at least once a month whenever in session during the tornado season. 2       Assist Principal for Middle School will be responsible for checking all second floor classrooms and restrooms. They maintained that position for several minutes until the alarm stopped, minutes later. Instruct them to crouch and cover the back of their head and neck, linking their fingers. 1       The procedure will be initiated by a special announcement over the school’s intercom system. II. 5       Teacher/Leader reviews emergency action chart while she awaits further instructions (Let no children out of the classroom, students in hallways are to go to nearest classroom.

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