Heat and sweat and faint smoke meet his lips, and he pulls Buck close and closes his eyes and doesn't stir until the car pulls up to his house. You two are on a date!” Buck just looked at Eddie who ran a sleepy hand down his face. They both looked shocked, but not because they saw Eddie and Buck. Seriously, give me an episode of Eddie, Buck, and Christopher hanging out with no natural disasters/risks of drowning, and I will happily tune in. But they were still in the very early stage of their relationship where Eddie just wanted to kiss Buck until he was dizzy and until Buck looked at him with a hazy fog over those gorgeous blue eyes. If they hadn’t been in the parking lot. “I liked this whole thing better when it was just you and me.” Eddie nodded and placed his hands on Buck’s shoulders. “Guess all I needed was to listen to my boyfriend.” Eddie’s smile only grew and he reached a hand over to squeeze Buck’s hand. The only people seeing anything more than that between Buck and Eddie … It can be a double date.” Eddie glanced at Buck, who couldn’t help but smirk as he shrugged. This is for tumblr lol. So how had they gone from something so sweet and domestic to making out like horny teenagers on the couch? I just do this for fun I own nothing. “But it seems you two haven’t let your relationship get in the way of the job, so I don’t think putting you on separate shifts is necessary.”, “There is some paperwork you need to fill out,” Bobby said. “But then Maddie found out.”. The sentiment is sweet, but makes last night's season two premiere all the more confusing since the intimate moments between TK and Carlos were seemingly edited out of the scene, including the kiss between the two seen in the trailer. He had basically pushed them to have a movie night without him. “Bye Eddie.”. Hen and Chimney were in the ambulance, taking the 9-1-1 caller to the emergency room. Everyone else gave Buck space, knowing rough calls sometimes affected Buck. “That went better than expected.” Eddie nodded, a smile on his face. They had been discussing how to tell Christopher that they were dating, but this certainly wasn’t how either of them wanted to find out. “What are you doing up, mijo?” Eddie asked, approaching his son. He figured, if they did a loop or two, they might find a spot and could sit at the bar. Maybe it didn’t matter if everyone knew they were dating. Today's User Submitted Daily Poll was submitted by James who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below). TK’s current bf is boring af to be fair. Maddie never just showed up to his apartment unannounced. “So, what’s going on?” Bobby asked, eyeing the two in front of him. “Could’ve been worse.”. They are the best of friends. “Because it looked like you were kissing.” Eddie paused, wondering if he should jump in. “Something we probably should have told you awhile ago, but were figuring things out and wanted to keep it quiet…”, “We’re dating,” Eddie said, noticing that Buck was starting to ramble, as he always did when he was nervous. That meant it could only be one person walking into his apartment. “Although, you do know it’s only a matter of time before Hen knows.” Eddie shrugged. “We’re going to be okay. The point was, he was very focused on kissing Buck and nothing else. “How do you know?” Buck asked, a timidness to his voice. “How would this rank compared to how Christopher found out?” Buck shook his head, a small chuckle bubbling out of him. Sure, everything had worked out, but he was still worried that something could go wrong with their relationship. “You two...you two are together!” Buck and Eddie could only laugh. “Thanks Superman.”. “Bye Maddie.” Buck waited until his sister was gone, before he let his head hang down. https://tvline.com/2019/12/04/911-buck-eddie-relationship-oliver-stark-buddie After today’s shit show of a work day, all Eddie wants to do is to hold his Buck and kiss the bejesus out of him. Fans of FOX's hit series 9-1-1: Lone Star are frustrated after last night's episode where a kiss between gay characters TK and Carlos was advertised but didn't seem to make it to the final cut of the show. Buck had caught him staring a few times and had blushed before going back to what he had been doing. Eddie sighed a little and nodded, heading into the kitchen. “You’d never torture me like that.” Buck chuckled and smiled. Please consider turning it on! But too many people knew for them to just keep it between themselves. I’ll put it in your lockers before the end of the shift.” The two nodded. The First 'Dear Evan Hansen' Trailer Is Here. “Let me take care of my boyfriend because he deserves it.”. Buck glanced at Eddie who just nodded. “What a romantic,” Buck teased. “Buck, what were you and Daddy doing?” Eddie was in the kitchen, but he was sure he could see how red Buck’s ears were from where he was standing. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. “Yeah, mijo?” Eddie asked as he sat Christopher down on his bed. “You tell Bobby or I will,” She said. “What the hell?” They broke apart, startled and having forgotten where they were. Eddie tilts his head back to smile up at him but Buck, the bastard, uses the distraction to steal his mug of coffee straight from his grasp. “You think I’m letting you go now that I’ve got you?” Buck smiled at that, a blush crossing his cheeks. “And they’re practically vibrating with excitement to talk about it at work. We get to know more about them (Begins episode) and their journey to the 118. They broke apart and looked around, expecting to see Bobby (because that was how the universe seemed to work). “What do you mean?” Buck asked, turning to face Eddie. They were actually talking about whether or not they should tell their friends and co-workers when the alarm had gone off. When Buck shows up, Eddie is confused, Buck is upset, and they need to have a conversation about what exactly Eddie thinks he's doing. And Christopher. Maybe it was just easier for the two of them to keep the relationship to themselves. They were basically intertwined on the couch. Tarlos (CarlosxTK) oneshots and stuff. “Buck?” Buck tried not to flinch as Maddie made her way towards the living room. “And you’re just telling me now?” Bobby asked, raising an eyebrow. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? “At least we weren’t making out this time.”, “Maddie would’ve never let me live that down.” Eddie laughed a little and pressed a tender kiss to Buck’s lips. “Oh my god!” Hen exclaimed before getting up. “I don’t…”, “Just let me take care of you tonight?” Eddie said, closing the distance between them. Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz First Kiss; Light Angst; Fluff; Tumblr Prompt; Prompt Fill; Idiots in Love; Summary. “No.” Eddie stood in the doorway of the kitchen, just watching Buck and Christopher. Buck slowly lent in and placed his lips gently on Eddie’s lips. Buck replied before rolling over and looking directly at Eddie. He had claimed he hadn’t been tired, but as soon as the movie was on and the lights were off, he had fallen asleep. And don’t get Eddie wrong, he loved that Christopher loved Buck so much. “Yes, okay, yes we are.” Maddie smiled before smacking Buck’s arm. Only two other people besides Buck had a key to his apartment, and one of them was snoozing against his chest. So yes, it was totally Eddie’s fault that they were going at it in the living room in the first place, but Buck had been teasing him all night and also Eddie hadn’t kissed him since he arrived because it was the only moment they had had alone before Christopher attached himself to Buck’s side and didn’t let go. "I'm here Evan, I promise." Bobby was talking to some of the next of kin, keeping them calm and telling them which hospital to go to. Neither 9-1-1: Lone Star or FOX have made statements on the controversy. No, their eyes were on Buck and Eddie’s hands. Eddie, uninhibited from the booze and the hour, can't stop himself from pressing a kiss to the birthmark above Buck's left eye. “I told you everything would be fine,” Eddie pointed out. “You’re the first person we’re telling, as opposed to just being found out accidentally.” Bobby nodded, trying to keep his face as neutral as it always was, but Buck could’ve sworn he saw a hint of a smile. “Let me take care of my boyfriend because he deserves it.” “Boyfriend, huh?” Eddie smiled and kissed Buck. “Ow!”, “Do we really have to talk about this now?” Maddie huffed, but there was a smile on her face. Once they had driven away, Buck couldn’t help but laugh. May 11, 2020. Eddie rolled his eyes before looking around. “Me too mijo, me too.” Eddie got up and headed towards the door. “Maybe there’s a spot at the bar?” Buck offered and Eddie shrugged. The 9-1-1 universe got its first proper crossover in the latest episode when Buck, Hen, and Eddie all took a truck from Los Angeles to Austin to help the 9-1-1: Lone Star crew put out a wildfire. “Eddie,” Buck said, a sense of defeat in his voice. Because they had each other and that was all that really mattered to Buck anyways. He barely spoke the rest of the shift. Christopher made his way under the covers, a sleepy smile on his face. USDP. Which was why he didn’t hear Christopher come into the room. They lay like that for a heartbeat before Buck leaned in and kissed Eddie softly on the lips. Buck attempted to pat his pockets without disturbing Eddie. “You’re stuck with me Buckley.”. He stops suddenly and turns back. Posted by Raina at May 29, 2020 0 Comments 911. We moved past that pretty quickly and Eddie and Buck have been able to have this very positive, whatever you want to call it, friendship, bromance. They had been dating for a few weeks now, Buck being the one to ask Eddie out, since he was more open with his feelings. “Seriously, what kind of luck do we have?” Eddie chuckled as well. Buck had said something stupid and Eddie had told him to shut up and Buck had said ‘make me’ and...well then Eddie pounced on him, leading to the very heavy making out on the couch. “Boyfriend, huh?” Eddie smiled and kissed Buck. So while Christopher had a sleepover with Harry and Denny at Bobby and Athena’s house, Buck and Eddie had their own date night at Buck’s apartment. Eddie just tried to be a silent support. “I wanted a glass of water,” Christopher said, like it was the most obvious statement in the world. Closing his eyes, he briefly kissed his best friend. Bobby had given them an odd look, but had gone along with it. If it stays platonic, that’s also something that he will continue to engage in. He handed the glass to his son. Buck was more than happy to let Eddie use him as a pillow, especially because Eddie looked absolutely adorable when he was asleep. “And next time, answer your phone!” Buck rolled his eyes. Buck nodded and followed after his boyfriend, knowing this was the right decision. Chimney was standing there, a similar look of shock on his face that Maddie had worn the other night. “Will do Cap.” Bobby chuckled and nodded, before signaling they were dismissed. Buck glanced back at Bobby’s office. He knew that Eddie’s plan to take care of him had included staying in, but now that he was feeling a little better, he wanted to go out for dinner. FOX advertised #Tarlos as "hotter than a volcano" in a promotional video last week and showed some steamy scenes from the season alongside adorable everyday couple moments. “Hen and Chimney know,” Eddie pointed out. "I'm here too" They ended up squeezed together under Eddie's covers, not an inch between them and Eddie spent some time alternating between massaging Buck's leg or running his fingers through his hair. Although it is still If they kept it between just them, then nothing could go wrong. “How about we turn the TV off and just cuddle upstairs.”. I love how the show's trying to make their audience invest to these characters including Athena, Maddie even May, Albert, Michael and of course Christopher. (See the end of the work for more notes.). They spotted her, sitting at a table with Karen. As they separated, Eddie’s arms remained around Buck’s shoulders and the two men looked at each other. Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Howie "Chimney" Han, Established Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz. “Done.” Buck took the cup and headed into the kitchen. as well as “I’m glad he’s okay with it. 24K 324 207. Buck left [home] to make sure he was at Eddie's end of probation ceremony. She usually texted or called him. By the time he was turning the light off, Christopher was already asleep. But when they got there, the place was packed. Eddie's fingers rubbed along Buck's knuckles and Buck felt goose bumps go up his arm. So, they had chosen a pub that they had been talking about checking out. ... After a night of great fun, video games and a lot of beer, something happens and makes Buck and Eddie confused by how they feel about each other. Buck had chosen to wait by the door as Eddie talked to the hostess. “So, you’re telling me because I’m the last to know?” Buck smiled sheepishly. “And next time, maybe tell me before my wife catches you.”. Want to see your Poll posted on the site? Eddie was born to a Swedish mother and a Mexican father in El Paso, Texas and has two sisters - Sophia and Adriana. “Yeah it could’ve,” Eddie said. He heard movement from the couch and felt Eddie wrap his arms around him, resting his chin on his shoulder. Buck had been in two unsuccessful long distance relationships where one girlfriend had never planned to come back and one just couldn’t handle his job. And if Chimney hadn’t stumbled upon them. Instead, it was Athena staring at them, hands on her hips. In the end, it does seem as though Stark is open to playing a Buck – Eddie relationship if the writers ever go that direction with it. “She said at least an hour,” Eddie said approaching Buck. Eddie’s head was leaning on Buck’s chest, his arms wrapped around Buck’s lower torso. “We’ve got room,” Hen said. left kudos on this work! Eddie was fast asleep against him. “Me too.” Eddie closed the distance between them and kissed Buck. Eddie smiled softly before he lent in and placed a soft kiss on Buck… Stepping forward, he places a hand against Buck’s chest, then drops a kiss … He also wanted to go out to eat because Eddie had nothing in his house and he didn’t want to deal with the grocery store. “We have been for a few months.”. And as Hen started asking probing questions, Buck just wrapped his hand around Eddie’s and smiled. Mostly, they were just cuddling on the couch watching a movie. “And then Athena today.” Bobby just nodded. “Oh my god.” Buck untangled himself from Eddie and approached his sister. “I’ll need to print it though. Eddie smiles and with a nod, turns as if to leave. “Daddy?”. They had responded to a call that hadn’t gone well and Eddie could tell Buck was beating himself up about it.

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